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Rahul was taken aback by Meera's words, the weight of her plea hitting him like a sledgehammer. He gazed into her eyes, seeing the resolve and sincerity shining through her tears.

As he processed her words, Rahul felt a surge of conflicting emotions coursing through him. On one hand, he understood Meera's concern for his well-being and her desire to see him find happiness again. But on the other hand, the thought of moving on from Hasini and their shared memories felt like a betrayal.

With a heavy heart, Rahul nodded, silently acknowledging Meera's wishes. He knew that her words came from a place of love and concern, and he respected her courage in speaking her truth.

Together, Rahul and Meera embraced, finding solace in each other's arms as they faced the uncertain future that lay ahead. And as they stood together, united in their shared grief and determination, they knew that their bond as siblings would be the guiding light that led them through the darkness.

After three years, Meera was relieved and happy to take part in Rahul's wedding as he led his new wife towards the altar. She was happy because of her decision back then to confront him. Because of that, he found his happiness again. At least, she thought so.

As Meera watched Rahul exchange vows with his new wife, a sense of bittersweet joy washed over her. Though her heart still ached with the memory of her mother and the life they had once shared, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of happiness for her father as he embarked on this new chapter of his life.

In that moment, Meera realized the power of her decision to confront Rahul all those years ago. She had feared that she was causing more harm than good, but now she saw that her actions had ultimately led him to find happiness and love once again.

With tears of both sadness and joy in her eyes, Meera whispered a silent prayer for her mother, thanking her for the love and sacrifice she had given, and for the strength she had instilled in her daughter. And as Rahul and his new wife exchanged their vows, Meera knew that her mother's legacy would live on in the love and happiness that surrounded them all.

When Rahul stood in front of her with his new wife, Meera said, "Congratulations, father!" from the bottom of her heart.

Rahul was stunned for a second but he quickly recovered and nodded his head. He was happy to hear her calling him father because he never thought of her as a sibling. To him, she was his child.

As Meera's words washed over him, Rahul felt a surge of emotion welling up inside him. He had never expected to hear Meera refer to him as her father, and the significance of her words touched him deeply.

With tears of gratitude in his eyes, Rahul reached out and pulled Meera into a tight embrace, feeling the weight of their shared history and the love that had always bound them together. In that moment, he realized that family was not defined by blood alone, but by the bonds of love and mutual respect that transcended all else.

As they stood together, father and daughter, Rahul knew that their journey was far from over, but he also knew that with Meera by his side, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead with strength, courage, and unwavering love.

Geetha, Rahul's new wife pouted her lips at this scene. She pulled him towards her, shouting, "He's mine."

Feeling the tension in the air, Rahul gently extricated himself from Geetha's grasp, sensing the discomfort radiating from Meera. He looked into Geetha's eyes with a mixture of understanding and firmness, silently communicating his need for her to respect the bond he shared with his daughter.

With a gentle touch, Rahul turned to Meera, his expression softening as he reassured her of his love and commitment to their relationship. He knew that building a new family with Geetha would take time and effort, but he was determined to ensure that Meera always felt valued and cherished, no matter what.

As they navigated the complexities of their new family dynamic, Rahul knew that open communication and mutual respect would be key to building a strong and harmonious relationship with both his daughter and his new wife. And as they walked hand in hand into the future, he vowed to do everything in his power to create a home filled with love, understanding, and acceptance for all.

But his dreams crashed once again when his wife eloped with another man. This time, he moved on quickly because he knew karma came back to him for betraying his uncle.

Rahul's heart felt heavy with the weight of betrayal and disappointment as he processed the shocking news of Geetha's elopement. Though he was hurt and saddened by her actions, a part of him couldn't help but feel a sense of resignation, knowing that perhaps this was karma's way of balancing the scales for his past mistakes.

With a heavy heart, Rahul faced the reality of yet another failed relationship, but this time, he resolved to move forward with courage and resilience. He knew that dwelling on the past would only hold him back, and he was determined to learn from his mistakes and embrace the future with renewed hope and optimism.

As he picked up the pieces of his shattered dreams, Rahul found solace in the love and support of his children, who stood by his side through thick and thin. And as he looked ahead to the uncertain future that lay before him, Rahul knew that he would emerge from this trial stronger and wiser, ready to face whatever challenges life had in store for him.

"Meera, I don't need anyone else. You guys are enough for me because you are the living evidence of the love I shared with Hasini. Of course I became a better husband to Geetha until she left me. But it doesn't mean I loved her. My only true love is Hasini. Your brothers and you are the gifts she presented to me. So I don't have any regrets." Rahul explained to his daughter.

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