CH# 3

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with the boy still resting in the operating table with his vitals low with no sign to him ever recovering, not after his stunt that decimated the manus' rioters, as she plans to leave him to the rest of the staff for his well being... 

mesmer: for once, none of the following treatments...this is unusual...

...she written this down, only to briefly stop before stopping to see if someone is there, but no one is there at the moment...

mesmer: odd...

...she returns to her work, failing to even realize that the rooms are slowly starting to shift into something more akin to an eldritch maze of sorts, that the patients, in their insanity-driven madness failed to communicate any form of warnings to the staff and the higher ups to the she gets her coat and calls it a night and went back to her dorm, andn ow she has realized that sudden change to the layout of the hospital where the boy is at, still laying there in a near-comatose state...

mesmer: huh?...

...after bringing him in for examination and forensic scanning, where just now she has realized what has happened all around her, that being he case with the adjacent building and not anywhere else... with anyone with their sanity intact are now lost attempting the backrooms of interlocking rooms and corridors of warped space being brought forth into reality form the mental one, now warping to the will of whatever has infiltrated the building...

mesmer; huh so what happened here? 

...her instruments starts to act up, when she blinked a couple of times, and can see that the wavelength on the little device on her person is beeping almost nonstop, as she went on recalibrating the frequencies to match the new surroundings for easier navigation...where she went along with her way, unable to know what is going on, but she does instinctually knew form the very start that it has something to do with the boy that Matilda has brought in...implying that either if he is really that powerful, or there might be something else at play here pulling the strings and playing with she investigates the surrounding area, making sure that whatever didn't get anywhere closer...and she is now getting the necessary  

ms. Z pov:

in her office in the main building where she has obtained a silent alarm has been rung, grabbing her attention through the arcanum-based method to communicate for her to know on what has happened...

ms.z: hm?

???: h-he-hello? please... h-help me! there's an abnormal critter the shape of a lass...and it's hungry- aaaaargghh!!!!

...she is shocked, about on how something dangerous has infiltrated the hospital building, but she needs to verify... 

???: it's a butterfly- no-no! it'a moth, on the back of a woman...what am i- argk!!

???: th-the hallways...where's the- the exit!? where is it!?...i don't wanna die in here- waaugh!!!!

...she continued to listen in on the myriad of voices that is coming through to her via that communication lines, with the last words-, ... no, last sentences of those people who were victimized by something that is supposedly a form of "critter" that has been able to sneak inside of the hospital building undetected to most she has for the first time to react to something like this, before hitting the alarm to have the hospital evacuated in time before this... 

ms.Z: what is going on in there...

...she is unable to comprehend what to even think about the situation, as something like this one is able to get past the defensive measure to keep most critters and other creatures out...

reversal of the jade obsidian [Jujutsu kaisen X reverse 1999]Where stories live. Discover now