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I've been seriously walking around in circles all afternoon in this god damn forest.Trying to avoid him so doesn't find me.The sun starts to set trough the thick forest, where the fog is slowly approaching making it harder to find my way out. He has yet not found me,I'm really lucky this time compared to the other.But how did I even get here,its still the same voice that repeated in my head,his words, his expression.I just took a run for it,I've should at least have put on my shoes and jacket then I wouldn't be freezing by now.my socks are drenched with water and mud,my whole body is aching from the cold weather.

I'll just have to keep on going until I find some kind of road or path.I just have to push myself to get going further away from the forest hopefully out of it.what if he finds me I'll be in so much trouble.I can't keep going,keep going a little further Y/N find a place to rest at least a few minutes.There's a boulder up ahead perfect for a few minutes of rest.I sat down resting my body again the large rock boulder and slightly drift away.That wasn't supposed to happen.
— —

I woke up to a aggressive voice that called my name.shit I was out to long it wasn't supposed to happen but it did,shit he can't find me.his voice was getting closer,i moved accidentally broke a stick on the ground making a snapping sound.shit,hope he didn't here me."I know you're there kitten,though you were smarter than that trying to hide"his voice was getting louder and heavy footsteps came closer.closing my eyes hoping that he would find me."Come out from hiding" he growled as he approached" you're not dumb are you?".

Just to open your eyes to see a pair of red sneakers in front of you,they look familiar.shit,shit he's found me. He crouched down in front of me staring with his red ruby eyes,he was wearing that smirk,not a good one."oh I see my sweet kitten taking a nap?" He said with a grin"I'll give you ten seconds to run kitten".There's no reason to try it won't work you know it,don't fall in his trap."No reason" you said as you swallowed back all your regrets."No reason for it kitten, you're not dumb after all" he said as he grabbed my arms pulling me up to my feet,his hands slides  around my waist and pulls me up over his shoulders."put me down now" you said as you hit him in the back"before I'll bite your ass of".he only cares about himself and his own ego,now one else. You know what trouble he would put you in if he told them. Have to keep him quiet.

"Someone got an attitude,I'd like to see you try "he said as he walked away with you hanging over his shoulder. You knew that he would not let it slide,I have to do something to stop him for snitching."just wait until I tell master and kurogiri about your little escape" he said with a grin on his face "after all you knew what happened last time". He doesn't need to remind me of my other failure of escape."Don't tell them,please I'm begging you".

He stopped for a second taking in a deep breath."oh why's that so Y/N,begging now eh?" He kept on walking again"but there's something you could do,kitten" he said with a suspicious grin. It wouldn't be that bad of a punishment you would get if he said something to them,they'll just keep me locked up in my room for a day or two and only bring in some food,it's how it usually is."Depends on what,but no funny business"you said clearly hoping that it would reach out to him.

Were have just gotten back home. He walked towards the dining table ,lifted up a little yellow paper and read it out loud try his best to imitate kurogiri"I'll be back in a few hours,I'm out grocery shopping".you tried your best to hold in the laugh, but you ended bursting into laughter throwing yourself at the floor.
You were to focused on the cramp in your stomach from laughing that you didn't realize that Tomura was staring down at you.

"Why do you always have to be so hilarious"

(STRAWBERRYS) Tomura Shigaraki x (FEM)READERWhere stories live. Discover now