Chapter 1

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Blossom was stalking a mouse. She was about to pounce when the mouse suddenly shot away. Blossom growled and ran after it. Her paws barely skimmed the ground as she chased after the mouse.

Blossom slowed down as she realized she wasn't going to catch the mouse. She shook her head in annoyance.

That's the second mouse I've lost today! Blossom thought in frustration.

She turned and started walking away. Her paw pads were raw from the chase. She paused as a familiar scent touched her nose.

Blossom turned to the ginger she-cat with black stripes that had approached her. “Hey Wild.”

“Hi Blossom.” Wild returned the greeting with a dip of her head.

“What are you doing out here?” Blossom asked.

Wild shrugged. “I could ask you the same thing.”

“Well I've missed a second mouse.” 

“Bad luck.” Wild mewed sympathetically.

“Yeah, how's hunting for you?”

“I haven't really hunted in a few days.” Wild responded.

“What?!” Blossom asked in complete shock.

“Wow chill, maybe I should have explained better. I don't hunt as much as some of the other cats in the colony. I patrol more.”

“ live in that colony.” Blossom muttered.

Wild turned to her, her gaze suddenly serious. “Lily saved my life Blossom. I'm not going to just forget that and abandon her.”

Blossom instantly felt guilty. Mostly that she hadn't been there to help her best friend and she had almost died. She could have helped her...but she hadn't. She could have died.

“Uh, Blossom are you ok?” Wild asked, snapping Blossom out of her thoughts.

“Yeah, I'm fine. I'll see you tomorrow.” Blossom told her, rushing off before Wild could say anything else.

* * *

Blossom was curled up in her nest. She sat up and stretched. Sunlight was streaming into her den.

Blossom padded out of her den. She was determined to catch something today.

After about seventeen minutes of stalking and searching she spotted a dove. Blossom stalked forward slowly. She waited with baited breath for the right moment to pounce. After a few seconds longer she lunged at the dove. She firmly clamped her paws around it and quickly snapped its neck.

She grabbed the dove and dragged it over to a tree and sat down. She started tearing into the dove.

She swiped her tongue over her lips after finishing her dove. Blossom stood up and walked off.

Blossom padded down to the beach. She sat down on the sand and rolled onto her back. She hated the thought of having to get the sand from her fur but right now the feeling of the sun's warmth on her fur was soothing.

Blossom didn't know how long she had been laying there when she felt water splash against her. She opened one eye and saw Wild standing beside her. The she-cat had a mischievous glint in her gaze. Before Blossom could say anything Wild splashed her again.

Blossom shot upwards and tackled Wild to the ground. The tiger colored she-cat let out a surprised squeak before recovering and swatting at her. Blossom ran over to the ocean and waded into it. Wild paused.

“What scared of a little water?” Blossom called.

Wild didn't respond, instead she lunged into the water after her. Blossom kicked at her playfully. Wild pounced on her. Blossom was briefly knocked under the water for a few moments before she resurfaced. She swam out into deeper water and turned back to Wild. She had also swam out to the deeper water.

“So Wild, how are things going with Spire?” Blossom asked casually, knowing how excited Wild was to talk about her boyfriend.

“Oh things are going great actually!” She began excitedly. “Yesterday evening he took me out to see the fireflies! It was so beautiful! We even saw a black firefly! And this morning he brought me a diamond he got from the mines!”

Blossom purred at her friends excitement. She wadded out of the ocean, followed by Wild. Blossom paused as she scented another cat. She looked to Wild. Who didn't seem the least bit concerned. So Blossom figured this was one of the cats from The Shade Colony.

“Hey Wild!” An unfamiliar cat called. Blossom turned to the cat. Their fur was almost comically blue. A light blue coat with a dark blue tail, and each paw was a different shade of blue. Their coat was fluffy and long, one scar crossed one eye and their eyes were deep blue.

Wild nudged Blossom. “That's Lily.” She told her.

Lily padded over to them. “Oh, hello. I assume your Blossom?” They asked.

“Yes that's me.” Blossom confirmed. Lily was nothing like Blossom had expected. She had always pictured some proud leader who thought they should be on a pedestal. But Lily didn't seem like that. Just the way she acted and looked seemed kind. Their eyes were soft and they spoke casually.

“Figured, you look how Wild described.” Lily explained. “Speaking of...Wild why didn't you tell me about the fox your patrol encountered?”

Wild shifted awkwardly. “Who told you...?” She whispered.

Lily sighed. “Jag, what did you expect to achieve by keeping it from me?”

“I just...I don't know.” Wild grumbled.

Lily shook her head. “Come on let's just get back to the Colony.”

Wild nodded. She quickly touched her nose to Blossom's and scurried after Lily.

Blossom turned away and walked off.

Dusk of Blossom: Cattails Wildwood story fanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant