Magnus and Ellegaard

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Jesse was awoken by the sounds of zombies and skeletons burning alive. As they sat up, they felt some aching in their body—they should've anticipated this, sleeping the way they did. No matter.

They noticed immediately that Axel wasn't in the little cavern anymore, though Olivia and Lukas were—and Reuben too, naturally.

"Let me guess," they said. "Axel is still upset?"

Lukas winced. "A little bit, I guess."

They sighed and got to their feet and took a moment to stretch, hearing their bones pop. "Well, let's get an early start. If we're going to find the other members of the Order, we should do it quickly."

The other two stood as well, and followed Jesse outside. Axel was nearby, idly leaning against the Nether portal.

"I was wondering when you'd wake up." He said.

"Yeah, yeah, let's just get going." Jesse turned. The sun rose in the east, and with a quick glance upwards, they faced the general direction of west, and began walking.

The others followed closely behind, and seeing as the group was out of immediate danger now, Olivia allowed Reuben to walk on his own four hooves.

At some point, though, Axel overtook Jesse, and Olivia was quick enough to catch up to him. So it was only natural that they slowed their own pace a little bit to match Lukas's stride.

"I'm sorry for the way Axel's acting." They said.

"Oh, it's fine," he waved a hand dismissively, but they could tell he was still bothered. "This is just like me apologizing about Aiden."

"I guess it is." They half-laughed. "But I think Axel will come around, one way or another. He just needs time to... adjust."

Lukas nodded slightly, though didn't say more.

Jesse looked towards the direction the group was walking, and could see the hills Ivor had been talking about. They would be easy enough to climb up, especially with a nearly-perfect path that suggested the Order frequently used that Nether portal.

As they began scaling the hill, they heard Olivia above them say, "Yeah, that's a mansion, all right."

"I'm not sure why, but I expected it to be less..." Axel's voice responded.

Once Jesse got to the top, they understood exactly what the two meant.

The Order's mansion was larger than they'd expected, though they weren't sure what they were expecting. Even from this distance, it looked huge, and if Ivor hadn't called the imposing building a mansion, Jesse would've referred to it as a castle.

The main body was made of dark oak and stone bricks. The central tower was trimmed with what looked to be some kind of blackstone instead, though, and the cobwebs looked to be an artistic touch by whomever lived there, though Jesse felt they could guess.

Beyond that, the castle—or mansion—looked to have an east and a west wing. It was hard to get a grasp on precise details from this far away, however, and so Jesse began walking, and the others were not far behind.

As they got to the building, they slowly opened the door. They were greeted by what looked like a common area, complete with stairs acting as couches and a table that had a chest in the center of it. The room looked very neat and polished, and the walls were lined with banners of red, green, dark blue, light blue, and white, likely representing every member of the Order.

"It's weird, I can kind of see them all sitting around here and talking." Lukas said.

Axel leaned over the table that the couches surrounded and opened the chest. "There's nothing but cookies in here."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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