Ch 12 - Ghosts & Feathers - Part 2

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As the group left the clearing and strode deeper into the forest, Sister Rosin shared a bag of roasted nuts and dried fruits.

They munched on these and Penelope tossed the nut shells high above her, which were caught by swooping rain wrens. Steph and Penelope made a game to see how many wrens they could lure from their hidden hollows, trailing tiny sparking storm clouds. Marmot crunched berries, nuts, and shells indiscriminately, leaving a trail of debris in his wake.

When they came upon the Feathered Willow, Penelope greeted it like an old friend, dancing about the trunk and embracing the long vines of opalescent feathers as they tickled at her face.

Marmalade placed a hand on the trunk in a gesture that seemed rather solemn.

The ground was littered with large, soft feathers that shimmered in the midday light. Penelope stooped to gather some into small bundles, tucking them into her pack before Sister Rosin marshalled them for lunch.

Sitting in a patch of soft grass free of snow beneath the hunched boughs of the willow, they passed breads and cheeses and small egg pies between them, until they were full and groaning with aching stomachs.

"I can't get enough of these," Steph lamented, reaching for the plate. Sister Rosin smacked his hand away, snatching up the last egg pie.

"Wha—! Isn't there some rule about guests and hospitality and letting them have the last pies?" Steph grumbled as Penelope laughed.

"Gotta be quick in this family, love," Sister Rosin smirked.

"Are you alright?" Penelope murmured, turning to Marmalade as Steph and Sister Rosin continued to banter. "You seem... sad."

Marmalade smiled and looked up at the tree, its branches fanning out and feathers lifting in the chill breeze. "This tree reminds me of an old friend." Marmalade sighed, but didn't elaborate. Penelope studied Marmalade's face, drawn to the witch's wild beauty as she had been the night before.

She thought of their kiss. Or, rather, the kiss Penelope had bestowed whilst euphoric with potion. Though embarrassed by her inebriated audacity, Penelope wished she could kiss Marmalade again. Especially now, when the witch seemed so wistful. Though she wasn't certain Marmalade would welcome it.

"I'm sorry for kissing you like that yesterday," Penelope started, feeling as though she ought to at least acknowledge it. "Though, I didn't want to kiss you because of the potion. I mean, well I did only kiss you because of the potion, but I would have anyway. Well, no I wouldn't have, probably, but I would have wanted to, but..." Penelope trailed off feeling flustered, her cheeks flushed.

"It's alright," Marmalade assured her, smiling in amusement. Though the smile was kind instead of mocking, and Penelope felt the writhing nerves twisting in her stomach begin to ease.

"Oh, good," Penelope breathed, unsure what to say next.

"You let Penelope kiss you?" Steph interjected, turning to Penelope. "Marmalade let you kiss her? She's never let me kiss her," Steph conspired in mock anguish.

"I— well— It wasn't quite like that— Not that I didn't want—"

Marmalade laid her hand on Penelope's arm and she fell silent, rubbing at her nose bashfully while Steph and Sister Rosin looked on, clearly amused.

"Lovely as you are, Penelope, you're simply much too young for me." The witch leaned back, but squeezed Penelope's arm before letting it go.

"I'm nineteen!" Penelope flushed, feeling a little indignant.

"Well then," Marmalade smiled. "Perhaps we can revisit this discussion in another century or two."


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