chapter 2: Sundays are the worst

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When i awoke the first things i saw where as followed
1. kiera laying on her stomach on my floor
2. leah peacefully sleeping next to me
3.And the mess we made(which i don't remember us making)
So i carefully got up and spotted my phone so i went and got it checking the time
11:30 sunday
Pull up for notifications
I saw the time and rushed to wake up the girls
When I woke Leah she said good morning and went to get ready.
But when i woke kiera it went a different way
"KIERA!"i yelled she jumped up and screamed
"Hey sorry i thought you were awake" i said cockly
"Sure, ima get you back so watch out." she said well walking over to her bag
After we all got dressed we went down stairs and ate cereal and leah got a text.
"My dad is on his way he asked if ki wanted a ride" leah said responding to our looks
"Yeah that would be nice if yall could"kiera responded
"Yeah it's whatever" leah said
Once they finished their conversation we watched tv.

When the girls left I went upstairs. There are a couple reasons I hate sundays
Because it's the day spent lounging about monday
It's the day of 'clean up any and every mess you made'
And you have to worry and pack for school the next day
So in my despair I decided to use my time wisely and clean the mess we apparently made.
Once I finished cleaning I finally fell onto my bed.
Myles.coop23 liked a post
In my wonder to who "myles coop23" is i open instagram.
I go to my notifications and click on his account. Luckily his account is public so I started stalking his post.
Here are some of the thoughts i had-
He is kinda cute
Do i like him
No that's absurd you don't know him at all he is just liking your insta
He goes to my school..
How have I not seen him before...
Suddenly it's 5 pm and my mom is walking through the door.
"ALICE I'M HOME HONEY" my mom yelled from downstairs.
She's loud when she yells. And I would know. I'm lucky dads not home yet because the fighting would start. Im mid thought when my mom bursts through my door. I quickly throw my phone but she pays no mind to my reaction, and starts yapping about her day. I zone out while she talks, but I'm snapped back into reality when she asks me "what do you think?",I say nothing for a second trying to remember a word she said but nothing. She just stares at me questinaly, so I ask, "what was the question?" she mutters something under her voice about me not listening and then asks "i was thinking about getting your aunt a necklace for her birthday from us, what do you think?" she said with an annoyed  undertone. I quickly respond " um sure i don't care." She casted a quick glance as she shook her head and walked out of my room.  Once she was out of my room I got up and grabbed my phone from the floor and sat down at my desk. I opened my computer and went to look what we were going to do at school tomorrow, and watch 'to all the boys I loved before'. By the time I was done with the first movie my dad had walked in my room to say hi.
"Hi alice" my dad said to me in a soft voice, sometimes i wonder what led my mom to dating my dad.  My dad was sweet, calm, and organised. But my mom was well, a hot mess. Always hanging out with the wrong people, troubled as many would say.
And when they were in high school my dad was a good kid, put together, and my mom was her 'troubled' self. And still they ended up together. That might sound like a heart warming story of destined love, but this isn't disney.
They should have not gotten together in the first place when all they do is fight. (and my dad isn't a fighter)
They scream and yell constantly. Talking about how they wish they never met and all that. But they stay together, they both know it's bad for them and at this point i don't think they care.
"Hi dad." I say back after a second, he smiles at me and says "it's dinner, your mom is waiting for you so you better hurry." he says. I nod and say I will be down in a minute.  
After he leaves my ring tone of never grow up starts playing telling me that my brother liam is calling me.
Liam escaped at the first chance he had and left me in the rearview mirror. Before that we were super close, but I think you can guess if we still are. I look over at my phone with his contact and I just let it ring until it goes to voicemail, because I'm not in the mood to fight with him right now. I finally get up and go to dinner. Its one of those days where we just sit in silence and eat. After dinner I showered and went to bed to block out the dread of tomorrow.

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