Chapter 1 - Part 1

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"I'll be OK Mom," I reassure my mom.

"It seems like just yesterday, I was holding your hand on the way to school", she says with tears in her eyes. "Text me everyday, and call me every now and then. Don't forget about your dear old mother while you're off and about in this new city. I'll miss you so much Lila."

"I won't. Promise. I'll miss you too, Mom". I hug her one last time before I leave to board my flight.

I've been waiting for this day for 5 years, ever since we moved back to England to take care of my gran. Highschool ended last year and I decided to take a gap year in Boston, Machesuets. I finally found a job working at a cafe and an open apartment that I rented.

New life, here I come!

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