Chapter 1

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Rosalina Kreal pressed against the cold rock she called her bed. She interlocked her hands and stretched her arms to the sky, only satisfied when she heard popping from her joints. Her hands brushed down her face as she stifled a yawn, her ears perked at the sound of an opening door. A figure that she knew as her brother stood in the lopsided doorway to her room; a stupid, sly grin worn on his face.

"Mornin' Sleepyhead." He chortled.

The younger elf let out a huff and rolled out of bed, disturbing the four month old wolf pup, Ko. Rosalina glared at her brother Eldor slightly before heading to her armor rack and grabbed her leather ensemble.

"I'll be at the tavern." She growled as she slammed the door in Eldor's face.

Ko padded his way up to her and lightly licked her hand in an attempt of support. The elf looked down at him and smiled before walking into the bathroom. She gave herself a once over in the mirror and sighed. The point of her ears just barely poked through her shoulder length brown hair. Her lilac eyes scanned her slightly upturned nose and frowned. A bubble of anger rose in her gut before she stormed out of the bathroom. Shouting a quick goodbye to both her brother and father, she waited for just a moment for Ko to catch up before she was off to the tavern.

The streets of Safi were relatively empty as she walked down them. The town was usually bustling with adventurers but recently it seemed like more of a ghost town than anything. Rumors were that there was an army just a few days north of the city. That seemed enough to keep most people away from the village.

The Iron Mug tavern, a mostly dwarven run tavern, was one of her favorite places. Truth be told, the only reason she liked the place was because the barmaids didn't ask many questions about why she drank so heavily. Rosalina pushed the doors open with a loud squeel.

Hath should really get around to oiling those hinges. She thought to herself.

The inside was dim and it took her eyes just a moment before they adjusted. Her lilac eyes shifted left to right before settling on a table in the far right corner. She plopped down in the soft leather padding, her ears singling in on the sound of heels.

"What can I do for ya, Hon?" A dwarf woman with long black hair and even darker eyes walked up to her table with a knowing smile.

"The usual please, Narissa." Rosalina sighed and before she knew it a mug of honey ale was laid in front of her.

She brought the cup to her lips and felt relief as the honey liquid washed over her taste buds, the cold liquid burning slightly as it went down her throat. Her whole body felt warm as she swallowed the ale. She downed three-quarters of the cup before she finally brought it back to the table. She looked to her left and saw Narissa talking to a cloaked figure at the bar. Rosalina lifted her mug slightly and saw the dwarf's face change into a soft look before nodding.

The elf looked down into the mug, watching as the amber liquid sloshed in the cup. She let her mind wander to the last few weeks and had to fight back the tears that threatened to fall. These last few weeks have been some of the worst of her life. She could feel her breathing becoming erratic and her vision was starting to blacken. Thoughts of his face, of her mom being lowered into the ground, of her father's bow lying in the street broken. She could feel her chest tighten as her hand flew to it.

The table moving made her head come up and her eyes immediately scanned Narissa and a human male. The man had his hands up slightly in a calming motion.

"Oi? You okay?" He said in a slightly deep, smooth voice.

"Y-yeah I'm g-good." She managed to stutter out before blushing and looking away.

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