Chapter 2

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 The walk was quiet. Rosalina could almost feel the others trying to think of something to say to her. Her mind was a storm but she tried to keep her outward appearance calm. Luckily she could see the shabby gate that the village used.

The wall that surrounded the village wasn't anything more than sticks bound together with twine. No taller than a dwarf at that. Rosalina blew out a puff of air as she pulled her hood up. The air had been getting colder the higher up the pass they made it; and it seems like this village was even colder than the surrounding area.

Rosalina looked over her shoulder at Gregor, trying to follow his eyeline. Oddly enough, he seemed more worried about the unnatural cold than anything else. Inspecting the steam that was leaving their mouth with every breath, his eyes met hers.

"I don't understand this..." Gregor muttered, almost to himself. "It was much warmer than this when I left."

"I can sense magic all over this town." Cera piped in behind Eldor. "It could be that."

Gregor nodded a few times before walking toward the gate and pushing the makeshift thing open. A dense fog hid most of the town from they're view, only the front most buildings were visible. Weapons drawn, Rosalina took a position right behind Gregor.

The town was giving her a weird feeling. It was like things were watching her. A lot of things; but she couldn't see anything through the fog. She was almost glad she didn't have her bow. Trying to shoot in this condition would be aggravating.

Or she would accidentally hit one of her friends.

Movement at the edge of her vision turned her attention to the left. Nothing was there; but she could have sworn something had moved. The hairs on the back of her neck were standing on end. Her stomach was in knots as her grip tightened on her knives. The sound of barrels falling over made the group jump as they all turned toward the noise.

Gregor locked eyes with her brother and the two of them inched toward the barrels. The inn that was behind the barrels was in ruins, the windows broken and some of the walls were caving in. The tip of Gregor's sword moved one of the barrels aside before another noise could get everyone's attention.

Everyone spun around to see a green mass charging at them through the fog. Rosalina brought her guard up, but all it did was minimize the damage. The force still sent her flying into the barrels they had just been checking. She let a groan escape as her back hit the front of the inn. She heard the sound of fighting as she struggled to get up. Her vision was blurring slightly around the edges; but she forced herself off of the ground.

She could barely see out of her left eye, blood was leaking into it from a wound on her forehead.

'Shit.' She thought to herself. 'I'm damn near useless right now. So much for Gregor taking me with him'

She stumbled forward, still holding one of her knives. Now being behind the barrels, she could see what had made them move earlier. A young girl, no older than nine, covered in blood and holding a small dagger stared right back at her.

Rosalina's mind stopped working for a moment. It stopped sending her pain signals. It stopped the sound from the battle coming in. All she could think about was the young girl in front of her. She dropped her hunting knife and slowly reached for the girl. The younger girl flinched away and brought her dagger up shakily.

"D-d-don't come a-any closer!" The young girl tried to put on a brave face.

Rosalina stopped for a second before she motioned for the girl to go inside the inn.

"You should be safe." She stopped to take in a painful breath. "We can get you after the fight."

The girl's blue eyes widened before she nodded and ran into the inn. Rosalina bent down to pick up her hunting knife, she had no idea where the second flew off to. Looking up, she saw Gregor's shield splinter into pieces as a club came down on it, earning a cry of pain from the man. The creature's back was mostly turned to her so she forced her legs into a sprint.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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