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Percy isn't dumb, he isn't stupid. But seeming like he is? That's his defense. His defense against bullies. The nerds in his class were already bullied. He was bullied to some extent too. But showing how smart he really could be? That'd attract more trouble. Gabe would still punish him, after all, he didn't call Percy brain boy for nothing.

He started to push information to the back of his brain. He used to push it in so deep, even his subconscious forgot it existed. It was like putting that particular memory into the Lethe. Gone. Forever. If he came to a conclusion about anything, he'd push in into the back of his mind. Then, it'd leave. Leave his brain.

To his credit, he could come up with some insane battle plan in a matter of seconds. Sure, it's reckless, it's risky, but it works


Will had a crush on Nico ever since the Titan War ended. So when Nico suddenly disappeared, while he knew it was normal, Will prayed extra-hard to the gods to make sure that Nico stays safe and alive.


On a gods-sponsored road-trip, Connor, Travis, Chris and some more Hermes kids stole food from shops when they stopped and gave them to everyone. 

When Percy and Leo were accidentally allowed to drive together, they nearly crashed while singing terrible at the top of their lungs. When they weren't driving, they cranked the radio up and still danced and sang throughout the vehicle. 


Leo tapped out messages in morse code, all the time on the Argo II. He tapped out messages like 'nobody cares about me', a habit he picked up after his mother's death. He thought nobody else on the Argo knew morse code. One day, Annabeth, who knew morse code, decided to listen to what he was tapping out. She realized what the message was, and that he was saying it over and over again. She tapped out 'I care' and that helped a bit. Slowly, the two's friendship became better than before.


If the demigods had to take mortal jobs, some jobs they could consider:

Nico: An Italian teacher.

Will: A doctor.

Malcom: A Math/Greek Mythology teacher.

Annabeth: An architect.

Percy: A marine biologist.

Jason: A pilot.

Piper: A fashion designer/an actress

Leo and Calypso: Leo and Calypso's auto repair shop.

Hazel: A jewellery store owner.

Frank: A zoo owner.

Reyna: A Latin teacher (though I seriously can't see her doing this) / A combat teacher.

Thalia: An archery teacher.

Clarisse: A combat teacher.

Katie: A plant nursery owner.

//Bonus// (for HP fans)

What do you think would be the best way to torture Hermione?

Well, here's my answer:

Not any spell, not a knife, not a gun, a sword or any weapon of the likes. Instead, I think the best torture for her, would be either:

1. To fail her in everything.

2. Really, really bad grammar.

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