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"You can not  keep doing this to my daughter?!" He shot her a hard deep glare that if she was anyone simple like everyone else, or sane even for that matter. she would have gotten out of that room and run for her life. But there is always something dangerous about a woman who is broken, and something mysterious about a woman who has experienced pain and hurt as her daily meal for half of her life now. The husband growled at her before saying to her, "One more word from you and she won't be the only one I sacrifice." The wife's eyes finally caught fear in them. But deep down in her heart, behind the fear in the wife's eyes. She knew that that fear was not coming from the husband's words, But the fear was summoned up by the love of her daughter, that she only wished nothing more than safety for at that moment. At that same second the wife was filled with determination and strength for her daughter, in her heart she made a vow. 'She won't let anything happen to her, not under her beating heart and not when she still breathed the breath of life and if it required her to die while protecting her, she knew she was now determined to go at any length for the safety of her baby. By all means she silently promised that promise in her heart, to be strong for one and the only good thing she was presented with in a very long time. "Sacrifice me into pieces you want Diego because...." she cut herself in the middle of her words and heroically walked to the man that was feared by the most, she walked up to him with her chest up and head held high and stopped right in front of him. "I will not sit and watch you do something to my baby girl without me putting on a good fight." And with that being said, she turned her back on him and walked out of the husband's home office with high spirits filling every body part in her. She reached out and breathed in and out. 'You can do this Maria, you can do this Maria Susanna. Better try than never.' She said to herself trying hard to convince herself that, it was worth it no matter the outcome. She breathed out one last breath and gave herself a quick pep talk then after summoning her strength she ran to her daughter's room. Without grabbing even the shoes for the little girl that was peaceful sleeping. She runs out of the house with the baby in her arms. "Shhhhh. Baby girl don't cry, it's just mommy." The girl was an obedient baby, which made it easier for Maria to have her quiet, not making a sound as they ran into the woods that surrounded their house. They ran, ran, and ran until they were in the middle of the forest. A branch of a tree scratched the baby's cheek making her cry out loud in pain startling her mother. But the time for a mother to comfort her baby is what they didn't have at the moment because what they were running from was much scarier and would hurt her much more than what was making the baby cry at the time. The wife knew and understood that very well and clearly, that's why she ignored the baby's cries and kept on running with only one thing on her mind. 'You have to survive Natara'.


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