On The Dance Floor

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"So, the school dance is coming up."Adam's mother pointed out, drawing Adam's focus away from his macaroni and to her questioning gaze. The Maitland trio were at the dinner table and were, in a way, doing their best to set the day aside."Any eligible girls that your father and I should know about?"His mother continued, placing her chin atop her hands and raising her eye brows questioningly. His father lowered his newspaper and fixed Adam's mother with a stern glance."Now Grace, don't pressure him."I'm not Joseph."His mother replied."I just want to know."Well .  .  . there is this one girl."Adam admitted after a moment. His parents exchanged glances and then returned their gazes to him."Really? What's her name Son?"His father asked."Barbara."Adam replied."She's really sweet, you'd love her!"I just wonder if she would settle for me as a dance date. He thought as both of his parents took in his reply with nods.
When the next school day dawned, Adam found Barbara sitting in her assigned seat at the back of Miss Gardener's class, her eyes taking her through another chapter of Peter Pan. He took a deep breath and walked over to her. She lifted her gaze when he came to stand by her desk and greeted him with a smile."To what do I owe the pleasure Adam Maitland?"She asked. What if she says 'no'? Adam thought, biting the side of his tongue nervously. What if there's a part of her that hates me? What if-"Adam?"Barbara asked, cutting his last thought off. She was now eyeing him inquisitively, her cheery smile now a thin line of curiosity. Gently, Adam took one of her hands, causing her to drop the book on the desk."Barbara, the school dance is coming up and I . . . well . . .I-well . . .I was wondering . . ."He struggled. She tipped her head to one side as a gesture for him to continue. Adam took a deep breath and got down on one knee."Will you, Barbara Krelborn, go to the dance with me?"He asked. A smile sprung onto her face and she nodded."Yes!"She grinned, getting to her feet excitedly and throwing her arms around him."Yes!"
"Mom, if you tighten my tie any more I'll choke!"Adam groaned as his mother helped him suit up in front of his bedroom mirror. He was wearing a black tuxedo and flats, an outfit that his mother had said would 'melt hearts'."A mother can't help herself when she wants her son to look his best!"His mother replied. Eventually, she freed the tie and moved her hands to Adam's shoulders, smiling proudly."There, there's my handsome boy."She grinned. A car horn whined from outside, announcing the arrival of Sarah and her father. Sarah was going alone, content on the idea of enjoying the music from her own private corner."Now go and have the night of your life."His mother said, kissing one of his temples.
The school gym was home to the school dance this year. The room was alive with the chatter and movement of students and adults alike as Adam made his way in with Sarah. Much to Adam's chagrin, he noticed that Barbara was missing from the sea of energy."What if she doesn't come Sarah?"He dared to ask."Don't think like that!"Sarah scolded him with a frown."Give her some more time!"Alright."Adam replied."I'm going to go and sit by the food table. It's a great angle to catch the flow of the music."Sarah said."I'll be by the punch table."Adam replied. He set his gaze upon the gym door as they parted ways. What if she's sick? He thought as he rested a hand upon the table. He shook his head, driving the thought away. She come Adam Maitland, she'll come. He reassured himself. The gym doors opened slowly a few moments later, revealing Barbara. A light purple dress made it's  way down to a set of light-pink flats, long, butterfly-themed earrings hung from her ears, a glossy pearl necklace danced about her neck, and her sea of curls was drawn up into a stylish ponytail. Her eyes wandered about the crowd of thousands nervously, searching for a way in. Quietly, Adam made his way over to her, a smile never leaving his face. Barbara smiled upon meeting his gaze, her eyes sparkling."You look beautiful."Adam said. She blushed and let her gaze drop to her dress."Thanks, I was afraid that I was overdressed."She admitted. Adam took one of her hands and kissed it gently."No, you look perfect."He encouraged her. She returned her eyes to his and smiled gratefully. Adam eyed the dance floor for a moment and then returned his gaze to her."Shall we?"He asked."We shall."She giggled. Adam led her out onto the floor and let his hands slide around her hips. Barbara gently laid her hands to rest atop his shoulders and began to sway to the music. Adam followed her lead, allowing his eyes to become lost in hers again, meeting that mystical, dreamlike, flaring flame for two once more. An unseen, tender candle that Adam knew that, if he could hold a match to it, he would make sure that it would stay alight forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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