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Hunter's POV

I forced myself to stay awake and continue studying for my science final. I had been at it for the past 3 hours and still couldn't tell a neutron from an electron. Just then, my phone vibrated. I looked at my notifications and saw Ana's name.



What's up?

Science final. u?


K. Wanna study together?

Awesome. Skype you in 5.

I logged into my Skype account and waited for Ana to call. As I waited, I flipped through my flashcards again. I was rereading the definition of a proton when I heard the familiar ding of Ana's incoming video call.

"Heyyy Hunter!"

"Hey. Ok, I've got two more hours to study and I have NO IDEA WHAT THIS IS"

"Ok, ok, ok calm down. You made the flash cards, right?"


"HAHAHA YOU'RE SO LOUD I CAN HEAR YOU OUTSIDE MY WINDOW!!! No you haven't, calm down. You're making it so much harder than is has to be. Ready?"


"All right. NEUtrons have a NEUtral charge. Protons have a Positive charge. Electrons have a negative charge. I haven't quite come up with a way to memorize that, but if you use the process of elimination everything should be right."

I thought for a moment. Apparently I looked really confused because she was looking at me and trying to stifle a laugh. After a few seconds, she totally lost it.

"I'm sorry, I just have to laugh at you because the only thing you're bad at are tests! On stage, you have nerves of steel!"

"I know, I KNOW." I said, annoyed. Why couldn't I ace tests like Ana? "It's just hard because I want to do well but then I try too hard and...well, you know the rest of the story.

"I know. Let's move on."

We finished studying and I was feeling a little more confident about the final. It was only 11:30 (it had seemed much later when I was studying) so I went to take a shower and calm my nerves with some piano. I stood in the shower for about 15 minutes and went over some of the science material in my head. Surprised, I realized that I knew more than I thought I did. After I finished my shower, I went to my studio/basement and worked out some new chords and rhythyms for a new song ( didn't hear that).

Before I went to bed, I prayed that I would do well on my final and for God to keep watch over all my family, friends, and to guide anyone that needed it.

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