Chapter 2: Veins of Steel

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The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows over the graveyard as Victoria stood beside her parents' graves, her heart heavy with grief. The solemn ceremony of the burial unfolded around her, the mournful dirge of the priest's words barely registering in her ears. But despite the weight of sorrow that threatened to crush her spirit, Victoria remained resolute, her eyes dry and unyielding.

As the last shovel of earth was laid upon her parents' final resting place, Victoria felt a cold determination settle over her like a shroud. Turning away from the gravesite, she made her way back to the waiting car, her mind consumed by thoughts of vengeance.

Later, as she stood before the assembled employees of Salvatore Enterprises, Victoria's voice rang out with steely resolve.

"As many of you may have heard, my parents were taken from us in a senseless act of violence," she announced, her words laced with a quiet fury. "But rest assured, their deaths will not go unpunished. We will hunt down those responsible, and we will make them pay for what they've done."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd as Victoria's words ignited a spark of defiance in their hearts. With a nod of satisfaction, she made her way to her office, her steps faltering with each passing moment.

Exhaustion weighed heavily upon her, her body weakened by days of grief and sleepless nights. And as she reached the threshold of her office, the world around her began to blur and fade.

With a soft gasp, Victoria collapsed to the ground, her vision swimming with darkness. Panic surged through the crowd as they rushed to her side, their voices a cacophony of concern.

"Is she alright?"

"Someone call for help!"

Amidst the chaos, Daniel Harris pushed his way through the crowd, his heart pounding with apprehension. Kneeling beside Victoria, he gently brushed a stray lock of hair from her forehead, his touch tentative yet reassuring.

"Miss Salvatore , can you hear me?" he murmured, his voice a soft whisper against the tumultuous backdrop.

For a moment, Victoria's eyes fluttered open, the world around her swimming in a haze of confusion. And as she struggled to focus, she found herself gazing into the concerned eyes of a stranger, his features etched with worry.

"Who... who are you?" she whispered, her voice barely a breath upon the wind.

But before Daniel could respond, darkness claimed her once more, and Victoria slipped into unconsciousness, her fate now intertwined with that of the enigmatic stranger who had come to her aid.

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