The house wasn't the same to her anymore.......

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    As Sarah turned the knob on the aged door, she was immediately immersed in all the sorrow the walls had hidden. Memories quickly flashed through her mind. It was like looking into the water and staring at your own reflection, except younger. 


   She ran through the door and dived straight into her mothers arms. For it was the last day of second grade and she was filled with joy that the school year had come to a close. Sarah's mother held her close,                                                                                                                                        

"I know the perfect way to celebrate, go put your jumper on and meet me in the car."          

"Okay!" Sarah squealed.                                                                                                                                     

As she walked out the door she picked up a small flower and put it into her pocket. Her mother opened the car door and picked Sarah up from the waist.                                                                   

"We are going to get the biggest ice cream bowls one could ever imagine!" said her mother. 

Sarah took out the flower and placed it in her mothers hair. 

"You really are the best mother!"


  The scene faded slowly as Sarah watched as her younger self disappeared. For a second, she was surrounded by darkness. A new image was appearing and Sarah watched as her 14 year old self stepped out of her room.

 "Mom, I'm going over to Molly's tonight." 

Sarah was almost out the open door when suddenly her mom closed it. 

"You promised me to help with the chores tonight. Last I checked, you still need to clean your room." 

 Sarah groaned. "Why do I have to do all the chores? I said I would meet Molly tonight at the movies." 

Sarah's mother walked closer to her. 

"Honey, it's hard when I'm the only one here. I'm just asking for a bit of help." 

She had a longing look in her eye, almost as if she was trying to hold on for just a moment longer.... 

 "It is my house and I am the adult in this situation." 

Sarah grinned, "Well if it's your house, then go clean it." 

Sarah watched as her mother's sympathetic expression turned into a cold, hard stare. 

"You are grounded young lady for 2 weeks, do you hear me, 2 weeks!" 

Sarah panicked. "What?! But I.." 

"No buts, my decision is final." 

 Sarah was stunned. Why did her mother have to be so rash? 

" Uuuugh! I wish you were never my mother." Sarah screamed and then ran up the stairs.


As Sarah watched, she silently scolded herself for saying such cruel things. However the scene did not fade away like the last one. Instead, it panned over to her Mother who looked like she had just been shot in the heart. She began to weep and fell to her knees. 

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean it I.." her next words were choked out by her tears and she slowly faded away with the rest of memory.

As the new surroundings appeared, Sarah saw her adult self sitting at a round table wither her mother

"Sarah, I want to give something to you." 

Her mother pulled a key out of her pocket. 

"This is the key to this house, I wanted to give it to you." 

 Sarah gave a confused look. " Are you moving?" 

Her mother chuckled "No darling," 

She looked at the floor, her expression saddaning. 

"I have not long to live and I thought you might need a place to live when you raise a family of your own." 

Sarah tried to keep from crying, but the tears came relentlessly. 

"No, No! There has to be something we can do. I'm going to take you to the doctor right this instant. Certainly they will have some sort of prescription. I can pay for the treatments and..."

 Her mother put her hand gently on Sarah's mouth. 

"It's okay, sweet child." She started to smile. 

"I'm okay." 

Sarah embraced her arms around her mother, then they both drifted off like rain...


Without warning, Sarah began to cry. She did not notice the walls of the house slowly change into the hard stone of a hospital.


Sarah's mother was in the hospital bed, moments away from departure. Sarah clung to her side. 

"What am I going to do without you?" Sarah spoke through her tears. 

Her mother stretched out her hand and rested it on her daughter's shoulder. 

"You are an amazing young woman, I was so blessed to be your mother. But now I'm afraid the time has come to say goodbye. For, I will always be with you even when you doubt it." 

Sarah looked up "How will I know?" 

Her mother looked her directly in the eyes. They were full of pain and peace. 

"You will know, trust me, you will know.." 

The heart monitor stopped and silence filled the room. 

"I love you" was the last thing Sarah heard, then darkness.


 Sarah was back, standing in the doorway of the old house. The house had never been the same since that day to her. She looked to her left and saw a small yellow flower. She bent down and picked it from the ground. As she placed the flower on the floor of the house, a gush of wind rushed in and seemed to whisper the words "I love you". Sarah smiled as hot tears rolled down her cheek. 

"I miss you" was all she could say.

"You alright?" 

 The deep voice had come from Jonathan, her husband. 

"Yeah, just lots of memories in that house, you know." 

"Mommy, are we still going to get ice cream for me finishing second grade?" Madeline said as she stepped out of the car. 

Sarah turned around and smiled. She picked Madeleine up and twirled her around. 

"The biggest bowels one could ever imagine!" 

Madeline giggled and hugged her mothers neck. Sarah put Madeleine back in her car seat and shut the door. Jonathan stood smiling. 

"Where did you learn how to be such a good mother?" 

Sarah took one more long look at the house. 

"I had the best teacher." 

Jonathan hugged her tight, then opened her car door. They started the car and drove off into the distance. 

A woman in white stood by the house. Her hair seemed to resemble the sun and her eyes were as blue as the river. She wiped a single tear and smiled to herself. "That's my girl." Then the women slowly started to fade away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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