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TW: fights, blood, scratches

Navya was late, really late, to her class. It shouldn't be a problem. Keyword: shouldn't. She doesn't have any friends in that class, so she can't take any notes from those in her class before making an awkward remark to get their attention.

The girl weaved through crowds, throwing half-assed 'sorry' to those she bumped into. Her hands held a death grip on her backpack, she was not willing to lose her work on her laptop and her various paper notes. 

They were her life-life after all.

As she approached her college, screaming ripped through the air. People were running past her, and someone managed to knock her down to the ground. Navya's face fell flat onto the concrete, and she's pretty sure her nose is bleeding. 

"Hey quick get up!" Some voice yelled at her, holding Navya by her arm and hoisting her up.

Navya's eye focused on the pink ranger, "What..."

"I need you to go run, fast!" the pink ranger tells her while fighting off some of the monsters.

So Navya did exactly that, she quickly got up and slung her backpack over her shoulder, 'I sure hope I lose nothing,' and ran. 

She didn't look back, enough horror movies have shown that if she were to look back she'd die. And Navya was not willing to die without her family present. 

Navya ran until she couldn't hear the fighting anymore, and ran into an alleyway. She starts to slow down, sucking in fast breaths. Her hand goes over to her heart, 'Hay Bhagavan. Main... Main marane vaali thi.'

She slides to her knees, feeling adrenaline leave her body and she starts to feel pain in her face. Navya touches her nose and whinces, pulling away to see fresh blood. She looks towards her backpack, 'Maybe I have something for this.'

Navya grabs the backpack and pulls it towards her, still sitting on the disgusting alleyway floor. She rummages around in the very front pocket, and she feels a box, which she assumes is an aid kit she kept. 

Navya pulls it out and opens it, to find bandages and cotton balls. Here she is, a doctor-to-be, and hopefully, a rich one at that, having to do first-aid on herself. Never had she thought this day would come. 

She pinches the tip of her nose, leans forward a bit, and starts to breathe through her mouth, 'Now wait 10 to 15 minutes.' Navya reminds herself as she stares into space. 

As blood collects in her throat and mouth, she spits it in a nearby trash can she acquired. Eventually, the nosebleed stops and Navya gets to work on putting bandages on scratches. She knows that she needs to disinfect them first, but she doesn't have any.

After a while, Navya puts away the aid box and after coming to her senses notices how light the backpack feels.

"Fuck, I lost my laptop."

"The girl left her laptop behind from the fight, you know the one who was flat on the floor? Her name is Navya Kumar. I think that's how you say her name. Found out after opening it to the login screen"

Translation of "Hay Bhagavan. Main... Main marane vaali thi." :

"Oh god. I... I was going to die."

Ek Chumma - jayden s.Where stories live. Discover now