¤ Justin ¤

17 1 0

As I wake up on the cold hard floor covered in blood and bruises I start silently tearing as I'm getting up. It hurt so bad to move, I felt like dying everyday.

I walked limping to the white plain door with two locks and tried silently opening it but it was no use as I heard Justin walking up to the door. He unlocked both locks and opened it. I tried to back up fast on the back wall but it was too late He had already grabbed Me tightly around my wrist.
  "Goodmorning sunshine" with a creepy smile He said. I felt disgusting looking at him but alls I could feel was fear. He threw a paper plate with a little bit of eggs. 

As I knew the same plain nasty eggs. I ran to the eggs and ate them fast as I haven't eaten in two days. He makes some money but decides to spend it on alcohol or drugs. So I usually don't get to eat for a few days.

He closed the door as he saw me starting to eat. Then I finished them in less than one minute. Then I thought to myself that I didn't hear him lock the two locks as I heard them everyday in the same motion for four months.

I slowly limbed to the door and halfway I noticed the door crack. I didn't know what to feel in that moment. I thought long and hard to myself whether I should try to escape. But I couldn't get past the thinking because I remember that other time I tried to escaped. And he punished me by sexually abusing me.

So I waited and waited maybe for about half an hour before I could make my decision... I decided to escape. I knew this was a bad Idea but there was got to be some day I was able to escape ether death or by living and I chose living.

I opened the door quietly but the door was squeaky so I stepped back a bit thinking he must've heard it. I waited five minutes, but he never came matter a fact I never heard a single noise but my heart racing and my heavy breathing. So I ran down stairs not a single thought in my mind.

I opened the door and the sunlight shined on my whole body and felt a nice warm breeze, I smelled the summer and the mother nature. I visualized the grass, plants and the Rocky road. It felt like I was ten again. I couldn't believe I finally could step out and feel this again for the first time in four months. It felt like a new year. All the pain went away as the feels the smells and the observation of the out side hit my body.

I ran along the hot side walk with my bare feet. I couldn't stand the burn. My flare jeans had holes in them with rips and stains so as my light pink tank top. I then realized that my cuts and gashes started to burn as the hot sun was beaming down on them.

That was until I heard this mustang drive slowly behind me, I looked back with a confused look on my face, then realized it was the socs. Two of them hollerd at me "Where you going little lady?"  I ignored them and rolled my eyes facing toward the front.

Then they got out slamming the doors. It made me jump and I started to run until one of them grabbed me and pushed me down on the hot pavement as my back started to burn from the cuts.  I screamed at the burns. And started kicking at them with my bare feet. And it didn't do me any good as they put cloth in my mouth to shut me up. Two boys holded both of my hands down while one was on top of me, they started to tear my tank of with a blade until I heard someone yell.

"HEY GET OFF OF HER" a new york accent loudly ringing in my ears. Then I heard lots of running foot steps all around me. Slowly my hearing came to a blur and soon as my sight. Then everything became silent and black.

Hope you liked this chapter, It was my first story so don't judge. I have a lot of experience though so I'm hoping that I can bring that out to u guys more in this. But anyways peace xoxo♡.

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