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hii, it's me again. I quit with this account a while ago and deleted everything, especially my most popular book. I am here receeating "Sweet Professor Olsen." and very sorry i've removed it, but I hope to one day blow up like that again.


this will be a y/n x professor story, where Mrs Maximoff a married teacher to a woman named Jayla who hasn't been treating Wanda like the queen she is.

Wanda was finding a job and appeared to be a professor at some point, she was happy until her dear wife bursted her bubble.

In this book, it will have smut at some point... maybe a little because all though i've read smutty books (I deleted my reading list when I quit this account) I am not very creative like that, I do have a good mind though.

This book will also have constant cussing and every wattpads readers favorite, drama.

Y/n, will have her best friends Victor , Nicole, Taila and Roman. Taila( tay-lah) and her been friends since day one so you'll be seeing her and y/n a lot, and she will always be first to know everything. Nicole, she'll be important in the book trust me.. Victor and Roman are just there though, protective of the friend group and they are respectful guys.


Here are some descriptions of how people look like here.

Y/n — I know y/n is supposed to be you guys but I just really want y/n to be like some fem brunette whos like 3 inches shorter than Wanda here just imagine that

Wanda — Masc woman , Her hair is the same as it is in the book cover and shes tall, we love height difference and don't read this book if you dont like this but she has a cock.

Taila — Dirty blonde , Not so short not so tall, Shes a fem girly pop we love her

Nicole — Shes a blonde Masc , as tall as Wanda but like 2 fucking inches shorter.. damn. I dont know how you'll be feeling about Nicole but whatever

Victor — Hes taller than Wanda and the rest of the people just imagine heights I dont say specific heights in any of these, Hes a black haired curly hair boy

Ramon — Exact height as Victor, he has brown curly hair.. nothing so special about Ramon sadly.

Now enough of that, I should let you continue on with the story... no spoilers. Please read and like and save this in reading lists because i'd really appreciate my readers again!

Enjoy! I guess?

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