Chapter 7: Riley says her first big swear

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Riley: ow Lila stop fucking kicking me

Farkle: *on FaceTime With Stuart and live streaming on twitch* Riley did you just swear!

Riley: yes it hurts Farkle

Farkle: well twitch fam I'm gonna go my girlfriend might be in labor * he then ends the stream* Dad what do I do

Stuart: well son what do you think

Nona Minkus: *gets into camera and yells* hi sweet cheeks! Nona misses you very much. How's the girlfriend and baby!

Stuart: mom no need to yell

Nona: where is he?

Farkle: what! Nona what! I'm trying to get ahold of Maya so she can go with us. Sorry I don't mean to be rude. But I am just stressed *calls maya* dammit Maya why don't you ever answer the fucking phone

Nona: oh it's alright sweetie I remember how it was when I was in labor for your daddy it was a little rough miracle. He almost died at birth but he came through and he became my wealthy genius boy.. also Farkle Roger watch your mouth young man. A 15 almost 16 year old should not have that much of a potty mouth

Farkle: mmhmm k Nona, dad I'll talk to you later love ya bye *clicks end before Stuart is able to say anything back*

Maya: *tries coming through the window with slight baby bump*

Riley: *screams and crys*

Maya: come on little baby let's get in the window *holds bump*

Farkle: you know there is a door

Maya: yeah but the window is much more fun

Farkle: what you gonna do when you are 8 months pregnant and can barely walk and is to big to fit in the window, we need to get ahold of Topanga I don't know her number.

Maya: Farkle it's honestly a force of habit. Her number is (655) 654-1563

Farkle: oh okay *texts topanga*

Topanga: *calls Farkle* hey what's up honey? I'm with a client

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Topanga: *calls Farkle* hey what's up honey? I'm with a client

Farkle: sorry I think Riley is in labor!

Riley: *water breaks* MAYA DID I JUST PEE MY PANTS!

Maya: no sweetheart your water broke. Oh my god!!! Farkle her water broke!!

Topanga: You guys rush to the hospital I will be there after my meeting... I'll text Cory and see if he is coming home from Philly and if he wants bring his family to meet their great granddaughter.

Farkle: alright thanks bye!

Topanga: bye *hangs up*

Topanga: bye *hangs up*———————————Outfits

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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