Happy International Women's Day

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In the struggles of life, I stand
A woman with dreams, hand in hand
With those who've shaped my path, you see
Investing in me, making me free.

My family, a sturdy tree of love
Roots deep, branching high above
Their support, a fortress strong
Guiding me when things go wrong.

In career's journey, winding and wide
With mentors by my side
Their wisdom, a guiding light, Leading me through day and night.

In business ventures, bold and new,
I rise with sisters, a courageous crew
Their collaboration, a spark divine Together, we make our stars align.

On this International Women's Day
I celebrate in every way
The women who've invested in me
Fueling my journey, setting me free.

With inclusion as our guiding star
We'll break down barriers near and far
Empowering each other to rise
In unity, our strength belies.

So here's to us, the women strong,
In each other, we belong, Investing in our dreams each day,
Onward we march, come what may.

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