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*Spencer's POV*

Everybody has demons. Everybody has voices in their head. I'm no exception, and since the dolls house my demons have taken over. The voices in my head have gotten so much louder. Every day for me is a constant battle and nobody else can see it. That's why. That's why I went looking through Aria's bin last week. That's why I asked Sabrina for those cookies. That's why I take drugs.

When I take them everything is quieter, calmer. I'm trapped in a daze between fantasy and reality. My demons stop controlling me and the voices are so much more bearable. And just for a while, I can relax, just for a while I feel sane.

Then of course they wear off, and I'm left in a state worse than I was in before. The voices inside of my head are deafening and I feel tired and shaky. I try to sleep but my demons won't let me. So I take more. I keep going.

Everybody tells me that drugs will destroy my life.

They are wrong.

Drugs make my life liveable.

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