Chapter 28: Give Me Shelter.

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The crowd sprung from their hiding spots, darting to the Pillar, flailing weapons and roars. I was late to the call; even Juke went ahead without me, but once I got my bearings, I sprinted in with my tendril brandished.

The truth was, though I ran with purpose, I hadn't the slightest clue what to do. I looked left and right and observed the other members of the crowd. Some took up battles with guarding Bringers, others continued their onslaught. I slowed down, thinking of offering my help, but the crowd members made their adeptness in combat immediately known to me. As assuring as it was to see, it left me lodged in place. I looked around frantically, shaking sweat off my head with every turn.

"Kid! Over here!"

A voice called out to me– Juke's, and immediately I was brought back to the moment. He stood near the entrance of the Pillar, and to that destination I dashed. My head turned left and right rapidly, and I had to duck a few too many times to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. Once I arrived, I skidded to a stop.

"Ya ready!?"

"Don't ask! Let's just go!"

We barged into the building with the rest of the squad. Nearly half of the members branched from the group to battle the guarding Bringers. I could only catch Lola and Pars before they finished their assault. Their attacks were effective and quickly incapacitated the members, if not outright killed them.

I couldn't help but avert my gaze at the bloodshed. Doing so, I noticed I was just about to ram into the person ahead of me. I quickly stopped, grazing the man's coat but narrowly avoiding a clash. I held my hand to my chest, frantically grateful, then stood there wondering why he stopped in the first place

Fortunately, I was promptly answered.

"Everyone, listen! Form a double-file line with your group! As we ascend floors, the leading team will detach and battle whoever is on that floor! Am I clear!?"


I was ready for the roar this time, but still, I shook, because the plan Lola had just created hurled me into a spiral of disorganized questions. But I hadn't the time to even form them; the crowd moved immediately after the instructions were yelled. They went ahead of me, charging, and I would've done nothing but stand there and stare if it wasn't for the smack on my back.


I flashed my gaze at the culprit: none other than Juke.

"Now ain't the time, kid! Hurry!"


I shook my head rapidly as we followed the rest of the group, slapping my cheeks over and over. I almost folded then and there. Chiding myself verbally wouldn't suffice. I quickly resolved myself as we ascended the first set of stairs, disjointed from the rest of the squad. When we arrived at the second floor, the group was still again. I thought for a moment that Lola might've forgotten something, but as I peered around the crowd and saw who stood before us, I became just like them.

"...I wanted to nip it in the bud. But there are many of you."

Standing with a pose that revealed no fear, the Harbinger of Anger and a group of lackeys blocked the way.


I was worried, naturally. Having fought her before, I knew of her strength. But this was a different scenario. This time, I had a group of powerful fighters with me. By our sheer numbers, she shouldn't be a considerable threat.

However, she still stood like she was. And that– that is what made me shudder.

"Well," she started, "make a move, will you? Otherwise, reinforcements will come."

That comment put everyone on high alert, and only made me sweat more profusely. Having just been told that there is a time limit to this operation was a kick to the stomach. I looked at the rest of the crowd. They were brandishing their weapons and seemed to be readying their spells. I raised my tendril, half-heartedly ready to strike.

However, nobody made a move. Nobody but Lola, who walked ahead of the crowd, her two-pronged dagger in hand.

"I'll handle this one. Everyone, move ahead."


That was Dave's voice. I had never heard him stutter until then.

"I'll be fine. We don't have time to argue, just move! Go!"

And the crowd did. It dispersed throughout the room. I went to the left side, eyeing the Bringers and preparing to respond to any attacks. The Harbinger just clicked her tongue and stepped forward.

"This will be easier on me. You and I. Are you ready?"

"Why, as ready as I'll ever be."

Shockingly, she ignored the rest of us. The few lackey Bringers were overwhelmed by our numbers The rest of the crowd descended, but I hung around for a moment and looked. I started at the floor. I saw blood and torn fabric that didn't come from the enemy, and as I raised my head my gaze fell on the two women.

Lola glanced at me. Her face was rigid, but her eyes said enough. I gritted my teeth and ascended the stairs, silently praying.

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