Chapter 4- Love Bites

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Y'all should read authors note at the bottom, here are the release dates for the three new chapters

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Y'all should read authors note at the bottom, here are the release dates for the three new chapters. The author note explains why the two chapters are going to be late.
Chapter 5-6-7 :03/11/24

e/c- eye color
h/t- hair type (curly or straight or wavy ect)
h/c- hair color

Golden Freddys POV-
     When i woke up i was back in the repair room, Bonnie was right next to me and when he saw my eyes open he hugged me TIGHTLY!
“Dude get tf off of me,” -I say, “whats wrong with you?”

“Youve been out cold for like 4 days!” -Bonnie said loudly and it got freddys attention and he rushed over to me and he hugged me too.

“I think it was you newer body not being used to the charging systems yet.” -Freddy said and pulled away because i was visibly uncomfortable, Bonnie got the hint and did the same thing and let go of me.

“Y/n has been worried sick!” -Bonnie said with a smile, not being of him saying y/n was concerned, but because this was his way of telling me that y/n was actually awake now.

“Can i see him??” -I ask and try to sit up but then i got really dizzy, it felt like everything was spinning. Freddy recognized this and gave me a pat on the back and helped me stand up.

“Try to not make any quick or sudden movements, you have way to much energy because of how new your parts are and how long youve been on that charger.” -Freddy said to me and yes, i hated him touching me. Sure he can save me from falling but he cant save me from a rotting, shabby, and abandoned pizzeria.

“I can walk you to your room if youd like, y/n is in bed right now.” -Bonnie offered and i nodded, he didnt need to hold me up or anything i just needed to make sure i wouldnt fall from moving too much.

But something did catch me off guard, why would y/n be asleep at this hour. My confused expression mustve been noticed by bonnie.
“It’s three in the morning.” -He informed me and i had a look of realization in my eyes now.

“Oh, that makes more sense.” -I say and he guides me out of the room leaving Freddy behind. Just like freddy did to me those years ago.

Jeez, i am spiteful. Y/n’s sass mustve been contagious.

I walked to where i rmebered mine and y/n’s room to be, bonnie opened the door for me and assumed i could make it to the bed by myself, he was correct and left me alone and shut the door behind me, it was dakr, the purple LED’s were dimmed so i could only really make out the outline of y/n’s stature in bed.

I walked over to the bed and laid down on it next to y/n, i wasnt sure what to do, i wasnt very tired.

I studied his new looks, his colors were brighter, his skin looked so pure, my eyes wandered to his lips, they were just as plump as i remembered.. Stop. I told myself in my mind.

I rested my head on his shoulder without really realizing it, but when i did i wasnt really flustered or anything, i just wanted to take in his scent and stay close to him, i didnt want to lose him again. I gave him a small kiss on his cheek, i was kinda hoping he wouldnt wake up, but at the same time i wanted him ti wake up so he could give me the attention i deserved after so long. (needy man)

But i mustve swallowed my pride because he infact woke up, i felt him move away from me and face away from me, he was laying on his side, i put my hand on his side and slid it up and down from his waist to his upper torso. I wanted him to notice me and cling to me like he used to, but it was like he was ignoring me,
“Stop that.” -I said to him without realizing how loud it was, i was wanting to whisper but it wasnt a whisper, it wasnt loud enough to be a yell, but it was loud enough to wake him up.

I felt him jolt up to a sitting position, im guessing i had a harsh look on my face as always because of the way he looked at me with a sympathetic expression and his sad doe eyes.

Y/n’s POV-

I looked at him, he was really here. What took him so long?! I wanted to punch him or yell at him or push him off the bed, but i found myself in his warm stong arms again like any other time he irritates me.

“What took you so long?” -i say and the back of my eyes burning i can feel myself start to cry. God i wish i wasnt such a crybaby infront of him. I did hug him tight just in hopes to irritate him, but he squeezed me back WAY tighter than i expected, it really humbled me in that moment, i ease up.

Golden’s POV-
I know hes mad at me, but i dont really care, i love those sad, glossy, doe e/c eyes so much.

I let off on the hug for a second but he didnt, so i didnt either and hugged him again.

“I love you” -i whispered and gave him a kiss. He kissed back instantly but roughly, not with tongue or anything, he simply BIT my top lip.
“I hate you so much right now,” he said to me but i knew that was an “i love you” type of bite.

So in return i squeezed him in the hug really tight to startle him and get him to stop latching onto my top lip. Then i bit him on his cheek near his jaw.

“OW!” -I heard him say loudly but still in a sleepy tone.

“Shouldn’t of been so nippy with me then.” -I say with a cocky smile and stopping miting him, it definitely left a mark but it wasn’t bleeding.

“How was your sleep, sloth.” -I ask and run my finger through his h/t h/c.

“It was nice until you got here.” -He said to me but i knew he didnt mean it because i remembers how teary eyed he got when he finally saw me again.

“Come on~, knowing you im sure youre very tired, hun.” -I say and rub my hands up and down his back, he was still clinged to me like i needed so desperately.

“I’m not.” -y/n tried to lie to me, but lets be real. I’m so used to this over all these years. So I laid back down and pulled him ontop of me and had him rest his head on my shoulder with him in my lap as we cuddled just like we used to before everything went to ruins.

“You need to get some sleep, and so do i. I still need to sleep this energy off.” -I say and pull the covers over him and i as i closed my eyes, i know he does too because i can feel him become less tense and more accepting to the cuddles.

“I really did miss you.” -I hear him whisper to me, i feel my heart flutter and i have butterflies in my stomach, i feel him give me one last kiss before i close my eyes one last time.


Hello readers, I'm visiting my father this weekend and his house doesn't have Wi-Fi so I won't be able to upload two new chapters on Saturday and Sunday.
But while I'm at my dad's I will write those 2 chapters but I won't be able to publish them until Monday, so look on the bright side:
YOU GET 3 NEW CHAPTERS ON MONDAY!!! (and one might be smutty so keep your hopes up.)
It's been a while since I wrote smut and I wanted to get back into writing those types of chapters for Golden's and Y/n's relationship development.

Chapter 5-6-7 :03/11/24

Book 2:Golden Boy|| 💛🖤Golden Freddy x Male Reader 🖤💛 Where stories live. Discover now