Chapter 2: The Scarlet Quickster

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At Gladiator Corps HQ, Donnie is in his workshop. He has sketched a design on some sort of prison cell.

Lauren walks in and askes, "Has any new tech arrived?"

"No, but I wish there was."
Said Donnie

"What are you working on?"
Said Lauren

"A prison cell to hold Alpha-humans. I'm putting dampeners in the cells so that they won't use their powers to escape."
Said Donnie 

"Steel Gates isn't enough to hold them." Said Lauren

Donnie nods his head, agreeing with her.

Donnie hears a alarm beeping on his phone. He picks it up and looks at it.

"What is it?" Asked Lauren

"Shootout at the Ardmore District. Wade's there." Said Donnie

Donnie quickly changes into his suit and speeds off.

At the Ardmore District, 4 thugs are shooting their guns at the police.
The police shoot back at them.

Donnie sees where the shootout is happening. Donnie zooms in and snatches the guns away from the thugs, then he zooms off.

The thugs were confused at what just happened.

The police arrive and point their guns at the thugs. The thugs put their hands in the air.

Back at Gladiator Corps HQ, Donnie has changed out of his suit. He's wearing a flannel shirt, black jeans, and Chuck Taylor shoes.

Commander Morris approaches him.

"Wade is safe. I was able to get there in time." Said Donnie

"Thank goodness." Said Commander Morris as he sighs in relief.

A male agent approaches Commander Morris.

"Sir, I need to speak to you."
Said the agent

Commander Morris walks with the agent.

Lauren approaches Donnie.

"How's Wade?" Asked Lauren

"Wade's fine. The thugs have been taken into custody." Said Donnie

"That's great news. He needs to be careful." Said Lauren

"Careful is his middle name." Said Donnie

"It's not." Said Lauren

"I know. I made that up." Said Donnie

Lauren playfully hits him on the shoulder. Donnie laughs.

Then at a bank on the other part of town, a man wearing a hood over his head.

He walks in, raises his hands and clouds appear inside of the bank. Everybody sees this and starts running.

At the police station, Wade and the police officers are escorting the 4 thugs to their cells.

Wade sees Ryan approaching him.

"What is it?" Asked Wade

"You gotta see this." Said Ryan

Ryan shows Wade the security camera has caught an glimpse of a red streak.

"Where did he come from?"
Asked Wade

"Don't know. Last week, Sean Tyson was stopped by a red streak." Said Ryan

Captain Dunn approaches them.

"Yes, Captain?" Asked Wade

"There was a robbery at the Platinum City Bank." Said Captain Dunn

At the Platinum City Bank, the police are there. Wade and Ryan arrive at the crime scene.

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