1: Genesis

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That is the first thing I heard. The tormentor of my beauty sleep, Aka the alarm clock, went off.I quickly turned it off and got up. I stretched a bit and yawned while rubbing my eyes a bit. Regardless of my sleep getting interrupted, I was quite excited! I just got a new hairpin and I want to show it off! "I bet everyone will love it!" I said to myself. Yeah maybe it was something small but that is what makes the difference right? "Yep right!" I exclaim to myself. I look over to the clock and It was 6:30. "I have just about enough time to get ready!" I say before I rush to get ready for school.

I went to the bathroom and turn on the shower, ready to get in. Once I was done with that, I went infront of the mirror and started to do some makeup. It was nothing much, just some mascara, eyeliner, a bit of blush and some lip gloss. I looked around before I finally found my hair dryer and started to dry my hair slowly. It kind off took a while cause I would occasionally spcae out a bit but after I was done I got dressed. I didn't really have much of a choice cause I had a school uniform and let me say, it was BORING. It was just a basic white T-shirt, black skirt that went below the knees, black loafers and white socks. I was always against the school dress code, that's why I would wear a bunch of accessories with
it. I went into my drawer and took out some bracelets, handwarmers and the hair pin. I put them on, along with my school uniform and I looked in the mirror. "Now THAT'S cute" I said as I striked a pose. I still didn't feel like it was enough so I shortened the skirt a bit. Not much tho! Just right above knee length. "That's better" I said, sounding proud.

Once I was satisfied with my appearance I checked the time once more. "7:15 huh..." I murmured to myself. I went in the kitchen and found that my brother had already made Me some breakfast. Right next to it there was a small note. The hand writing was terrible but readable (unlike mine) so I knew that he wrote it. I skimmed it quickly before throwing it in the trash.

"Sup Endy, I had to leave early for work and made too much breakfast so I gave you some. Hope you choke on it <3

With lots of hatred,


"What a Freaking jerk!" I Whisper-yelled to myself. Nonetheless I take a look to what it was. It was some tost with some strawberry jam on it. "This will do" I say to myself as I sit on the stool and start eating the toast. It was stale but it didn't taste that bad so I'll live I think.

I checked the time on my watch and it was 7:30..."7:30?! ALREADY?" I Said as I quickly ran to the bus stop. I'm quite quick anyways so I made it in time to catch the bus. I entered in the bus and I found my best friend! "Heyyyy pooks!" I said as I shifted her bag and sat down on the seat next to her "Good morning to you too End-" She stopped herself and face-palmed "What are YOU WHY are you wearing that."She asked, pointing to my hairpin and hand warmers. "Hehe... Like em?" I giggled before She playfully slapped me "Endy... You're going to get dress-coded for SURE." She whisper-yelled at me. "Jeez Karen... So mean..." I pouted "You're like gonna make me cry now" I said as as I made some fake crying gestures "OK now first of all it's Kadelin, Second of all I'm just telling you that you're going to get in trouble!" She said, being fully serious. "Nahhhh it's fineeeeee.. Don't worry about it" I shook it off. She just sighed in dissapointment. "So... Got any plans today" I asked her, totally switching subject. "No.. W-" "Good! Cause now you do! 5:40 Pm we're going shopping mkay?" I said, cutting her off. "B-" "No buts you're coming" I spoke over her once more. She sighed in agreement. "Why am I still friends with you.." She says. "Excuse me!? I'm an amazing friend!" I protested "More like an amazing way to ruin my day" She replied nonchalantly. "Kadeeeee!" I yelled at her. She just rolled her eyes and faced the window. "Ignoring me huh?" I say sarcastically and she nods in response. I pouted but didn't say anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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