Chapter 4: Re-Invented

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Paused after: [3 months]

Started Writing: [5-7-2024]

As soon as the war ended and the remaining THR-1000 Earthmovers. Are now deactivated due to their lack of sunlight to fuel their machinary.

The War finally over, and the New Peace was born.

V1 is moved to a capsule unit.
Until it was needed to be in use.

How did the scientists who made V1 handle the news? That their war machine finished the prototype phase, unable to release it against a functioning THR-1000 Earthmover.

Some liked the news.
Some disliked the news.
The head scientist on the other hand, gave them all an opportunity.
A security robot following the schematics of V1.

And so... The following conversation follows.

***Sent Data-LOG. Replaying.***

Voice A: I told you. We need more money into this security drone.

Voice B: What now? Head Scientist? You make another humanoid drone again?

Head Scientist: No. We're ditching those highly prototype self-repairing plates...

[Papers Rustling]

Voice B: What armor plates would you want this... Thing to be made about? Steel Fibers? Concussive Shock Absorbing Alloys? Or do you want old fashioned heavy steel?

[Papers rustling turned into shuffling, And then spread out onto a surface.]

Voice C: What is that?

Head Scientist: We need to grab pieces of armor from... Those Guttertank models, Gutterman models and those other ones.

Voice B: What for?

Voice D: Are you an idiot? He's gonna repurpose them for the V2 model.

Voice C: Wait. THAT is our security bot?!

Head Scientist: Yes. Senior. We're taking those robot models, strip of anything useful and then recreate into a cheaper but more effective armor than those heavy duty steel plates.

Voice D: Hey... How smart will this security bot be?

Head Scientist: [heavy sigh] Well... If it is FOR security... We need it to give more advanced and higher processing A.I. chip and motherboard. And yes. Use the same structural blueprint that the V1 model uses. But amp it up to optimize performance on it's scanning, predicting and analyzation.

Voice B: So we're practically giving it a mind?

Voice D: Yeah? But... Not complex as a human mind. If it were. It would definately go rouge on it's directives.

Head Scientist: Let him have the freedom. I want to see it improvise on stressful situations. I want that model to show expectations to use improvised weapons and creativity. Just like the V1 model.

Voice B: Sir. You are literally out of your goddamn mind. And I like it.

Head Scientist: This new model will soar higher than the V1 model.

Voice B: You know it's only a matter of time before... The Chinese or Japanese would make their own versions of our robot.

Voice C: Don't sweat it. They haven't seen V1 yet. And they'll think of it as a... Unfinished prototype and a failure, so only V2 would only come up.

Head Scientist: Falling my creation into obscurity would be the last thing here I needed on Earth... If only God could tell me of what V1 is capable of.

***Send. Data-LOG. Finished.***

Finished Writing: [5-8-2024]

See ya in another week/month for chapter 5.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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