Mikasa X Jean (1)

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Jean's POV

I walked into the cabin and there she was. Slouched in her seat, one long leg draped around the other, sharpening her blade ever so meticulously. I tried to look away but I'm never not mesmerised by the sight of her. The way her tits bounce with every cling of metal. The way her long, jet black hair shines in the candlelight. She was so undeniably sexy and she had no idea. And I'm not the only one who thought that.

In the halls whenever Eren left the group, everyone fantasised over Mikasa and what she was wearing that day. How her ass looked in those pants. How she never shows an ounce of skin, leaving everyone desperate to see what was beneath her uniform. I used to participate in those discussions but now I just cringe. I supposed there is part of me that just wants her all to myself. She's so beautiful but most of all, I idolised her skills in combat, she was light years against most of us, whether we wanted to admit that or not.

Mikasa. The only girl I could trust to save me outside the walls, and let me cum inside hers. Theoretically of course. I doubt she'd let me come anywhere near her. She seems to only have eyes for Eren, and to be frank, me and him haven't been on the best of terms lately.

I'm just so tired of his self-righteous act. Sometimes he acts like he's the only one who's watched his loved ones fall at the hands of titans. We've all lost something, someone we loved.

I lost my track of thought, and all of the sudden, Mikasa was no longer in front of me in her usual chair. I peeked at the door and watched her hair whip around the corner. Standing up, I followed behind her, forgetting to remind her that the captain wanted me to brief her on the plans for tomorrow mornings mission.

She walked into the board room, which was completely empty, and began flicking through the pages of a dusty history book, that only stretched back the last 100 years inside the walls.

My foot creaked against the floor and her neck snapped up and I was met with her dark, hasty eyes.

"Following me?" she asked, her words echoing through the room, the mere sound of her cool tone sending shivers down the small of my back.

"I forgot to mention, it's- uh- about time I briefed you on Captain Ackerman's plans for tomorrow," I replied, practically stumbling over my words like a fool.

Her eyebrows raised, and then relaxed again,

"So you were too busy eye fucking me in the cabin to tell me of this plan sooner?" Mikasa questioned, leaving me starstruck.

"Eye fucking? No-"

"Do you seriously think I didn't notice that tent begin to grow in those pants?"

"So what if I was eye fucking you!" I retorted, angry that she picked up on my lust for her. Maybe I wasn't as subtle as I thought I was being. Now she's finally calling me out.

"So nothing."

"So you admit that you were gawking at my crotch, too then?"

"It's kind of hard to miss, Jean. Christa definitely noticed."

I felt so embarrassed. My cheeks began to run crimson, of course she'd never look at me in that way. It's Eren or the highway.

Mikasa's POV:

Look at him. He's so flustered. For a man so tall, built like that, he sure is easily to manipulate.

I noticed him staring at my tits in the cabin earlier. Little did he know that I began sharpening my blade faster for him, making sure my tits moved more in the process.

I love feeling his eyes on me. I could tell that he's wanted to rip my clothes off from the second we met a few weeks ago at Connie's birthday party. His gaze always lingers a bit too long. It's like he doesn't even try to hide his affection for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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