Part 2

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When Lana returned from the bathroom she drank three drinks in ten minutes and then continued to drunkenly try and persuade me to challenge Andres to pool. It's not that I didn't want to play pool, it's just that I was exhausted and couldn't be bothered.

"Go play pool with Andres !" she tried again, poking me in the bicep.

"Lana i don't want to" I responded, taking another sip of my drink. Andres and Leo were still arguing, it started over the mission but i think they're yelling about each other now. I'm not sure what drink I'm on but I can't have been more than three because I'm barely buzzed. Unlike the annoying brunette to my left. Just then a man with dark gray hair with olive skin appeared, placing his drink on the table.

" Salut, Alexandre, n'est-ce pas ?" He asked, his eyebrow raising. I turned to Leo and Andres who had managed to finally shut up, their attention on the man. Lana's head was resting on the table, her brown hair everywhere. I looked the man up and down, his brown hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in a while and he had sharp wrinkles around his eyes. If i could, i would place him in his late sixties. Maybe a wife, or two. Possibly some children. He was wearing casual clothes but they weren't hiding the golden rolex on his wrist. Reluctantly, I turned to the man and replied.

(Translation: Hi, Alexander right?)

"Who's asking?" I was not going to give this man the satisfaction of replying in my native tongue. Up until the age of ten I lived in Australia, helping my dad with his ponzi scheme until he was arrested. No one ever told me how long his sentence was but I try not to think about it. For a large chunk of my preteen years I can't remember what happened, I've searched every single news website, thousands of articles, journalist entries, ect, ect and still found nothing. Richard Jones is a mystery and how I ended up in an FBI program at the ripe age of 13 is also a mystery.

After my dad was sentenced, I went to live with my grandfather Astor the third. When i was living with him he was struggling with addiction to alcohol but what i've heard from Ashley is that he's in recovery and almost better. It was Astors's best mate's idea for us to send in an entry for JC-PO, Junior criminal profiling organization. At first Astor refused, saying it wasn't in our best interest but as if thirteen year old me wanted to stay with him. Ashley refused, saying she didn't want to go. She was 15 at the time, she wanted to do teenager things, go to highschool like a normal teen.

It was understandable, however I on the other hand was all for it. I had a special talent not many people had, how could I not put that to use? When I first met Leo she asked me what my talent was, when i told her profiling she looked at me like i had just spoken to her in a minion language.

"It's where I can tell things about people just from looking at them" I had told her.

"Everyone can do that." she had said back.

That's when I proved her wrong by profiling her, and quite literally telling her to her face I knew everything about her. She was surprised at first but after a while she insisted I tell her everything about every person we passed. On my first day at JC-PO I learnt more about humans and the way their brain works than most neurologists do, that was when I knew I loved profiling. It was a small program, maybe of about 5 people but I remember we were all tight. Jacinta, a human lie detector, has tried to keep in touch but it's been hard considering we're all busy pursuing our own passions.

"I'm asking." He replied snarkily. Leo rolled her eyes and turned back to Andres but before she could speak she was interrupted. "Dominique Martin, you four need to come with me" The gray haired man lifted his shirt up to show he had a gun tucked into his waistband. Andres scoffed and turned back to leo, clearly not up for whatever stupid prank this was.

"I bet that's not even loaded" Leo rolled her eyes and pulled out a pack of cards, she began shuffling them before splitting the pack between her and andres.

"Not loaded?" Dominique snarled, pulling it out and pointing it in the direction of a random girl, probably around our age. He pulled the trigger, his gaze on Leo the whole time. There was a loud bang, and several people started screaming. I couldn't turn around, I wouldn't. Lana did though, slowly fumbling, her body all flimsy from the alcohol, but she turned around. I could almost hear her eyes widening or closing. I gave in and turned around. A girl with bright red hair was lying lifeless on the floor, a pool of blood around her.

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