━⁠☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚Chapter 1

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[Author's note awaits at the end!] [EDITED]

⊰⁠⊹ "Hurry up, BoBoiBoy!" Gopal whispered urgently, his voice echoing, above BoBoiBoy as they climb down a cliff. "Shh! Keep it down will you?" BoBoiBoy hushed him, looking down.

Beneath them lay a sleeping monster alien with her eggs. "Swap the eggs quickly!" Gopal urged, his stomach grumbling. "I'm starving."

Once they reach the ground they ran towards the nest of the monster alien and BoBoiBoy carefully lifted up the aliens paw and swapped the egg and the power sphere.

BoBoiBoy let out a sigh of relief once he successfully swapped both eggs and the power sphere. "Okay, job's done." he confirmed and ran towards the cliff to climbed back up with the power sphere strapped on his back.

Grunting as he climbs back up, Gopal bumped into him. "Out of the way, BoBoiBoy!" Gopal said in a hurry. "Watch where you're going." BoBoiBoy looks up and saw Gopal holding something. "Huh? What's that you've got there?"

"What else?" Gopal lifted the egg he was holding with one hand, "It's my breakfast!" He exclaimed with a giggle and kissed it. "Huh?! You're not supposed to take one of the eggs, Gopal!" BoBoiBoy whispered sharply.

"Why not?" Gopal asked innocently. "Let's make an omelette. Want some?"

"Sheesh... What is wrong with you?" BoBoiBoy said in frustration and began pulling on Gopal's feet. "Put it back, Gopal! Now!"

"Hey! Lay off! You're not getting a single bite of it then!" Gopal struggled on trying to keep the egg on his hand to not fall off but with BoBoiBoy pulling his feet, the egg soon fell from his grasp to the ground below them. "Huh?!"

The egg hit the rocky part of the cliff below and bounced on the snowy ground. The egg then began to crack and a baby penguin alien emerge, letting out a loud cry. "Ahhh Mama!"

Both the elemental hero and molecule hero let out a startled gasp. "Shh, shh!" Gopal tried to hush the baby alien, "Mama's not home! She's gone to work! Shh, shh!"

Just then the Mama penguin alien then starts to steer awake, looking around to find the source of the noise. And once she spotted her infant crying, not too far away from her, she also spotted both BoBoiBoy and Gopal on the cliff beside her infant.

She let out a loud roar once she spotted them, scaring the elemental and molecule hero. It went to attack them, sending both BoBoiBoy and Gopal running with EggaBot on their possession. "Ahhh!" "Huhuhuhu!"

"This is all your fault, Gopal!" BoBoiBoy blamed as they ran. "Ahhh! My fault? I was just hungry!" Gopal defended, looking at his stomach. The two of them kept running, the Mother alien hot on their trail. "You're so full of excuses!" BoBoiBoy yelled in frustration.

Meanwhile, on the MYS Justice Spaceship.

"BoBoiBoy and Gopal has successfully obtained EggaBot on their possession," A girl announced. "And it seems like they're being chased by that penguin alien." She added, looking at the holographic screen in front of her.

"Typical," remarked a raven-haired boy named Fang, arms crossed with an unimpressed expression. "Can't they complete a mission without getting into trouble?"

"Don't be mean, Fang." The girl chided. "At least they have the power sphere with them."

Just then both of their power watch beeped and BoBoiBoy's voice came through, "You guys go help out, Gopal! I'll go save EggaBot." Their watch beeped again then [Name]'s holographic screen began to display an image of Gopal being harassed by the Mother Alien and another where Boboiboy's in his Thunderstorm element chasing an Adudu and Probe.

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