chapter 9

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When my alarm went off at 6:00 I got up and woke Madison up so she could go to her dorm and get ready.

" Madison get up and go back to your dorm and get ready for breakfast please."

"Ok see you later." So she left and I took a shower. When I got out of the shower it was 6:30 that means that I have 30 minuted left so I put on some white jeans and a luke bryan tank top I just love Luke. I did my hair and makeup and took my medicine I have Garcinia Cambocia pills that I take. I put on my shoes and played on my phone for 5 minutes until I heard the door open I looked to make sure it was Andy and thankfully it was.

"Hey babe your horses are happy" he said while wrapping his arms around me.

"Thank you" He grabbed my hand and we started walking out the door after I locked it. "Wait horses?" I asked.

"Spartan and Lucky" he said.

"Do you mean our horses?" He looked at me and nodded.

"So did Madison bored you to sleep last night?" Andy asked as we walked out of the building.

"It was the exact opposite I bored her to sleep while I was texting you." I told Andy

"What did she say about her date with Justin?" Andy asked.

"Nothing, why?"

"I just wanted to know." I thought it was weird why he wanted to know but I didn't want to dwell on it so I decided to dropped the subject.

"What are you doing today?" Andy asked.

"I have to go talk to the headmaster after breakfast do you want to come even though you hate her?"

"No not really but, if it's for you than I will. After do you want to take Spartan on a trail ride and see how he does?"Andy said as we exit the café line and sat at the table with his and my new friends.

"Um......No not really because I don't want him to freak out just yet do you want to ride in the indoor?" I asked.

"We all are going to go to the beach at 12:00 do you guys want to come?" Matt said.

"We can go I start school on Wednesday so I miss one day of training Spartan it won't be a big deal."

"Awesome so guys be ready and tacked up by 12 let's meet in front of the barn." Zach said.

"Andy I change my mind I think it would be great for Spartan to go out and have some fun." I said.

"Sweet. you can ride Lucky later and practice on him before you see Mr. Connors." I started eating my Apple with one hand and I put my right hand under the table. Andy was sitting right next to me and must of already had his left hand under the table so he reached and grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently. I smiled to myself and quickly ate and talked with the rest of them. Until we all had ate are food. Andy was still holding my hand.

"I'd love to stay and chat but I have to go meet the headmaster before we go on that ride so,bye." They all said bye back. Andy and I got up still hand in hand dumped are trays and left.

"You can come in or not you don't have to if you don't want to?"

"Ummmmmmm........ babe can I stay out here?" Andy asked. After we got to the front doors it isn't that far of a walk from the café to the headmaster's building because they are like two buildings apart.

"Why don't you go to your dorm and grab what you need and then head to my dorm. I will give you my key. But be quick because I think this is going to take only like 15 minutes? It's already 9:00." I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2015 ⏰

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