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'Woah kiddo, what are you doing here?' a strong man with a mustache said and observed her from the head to the bottom of her feet. 'and why do you have a heckin' sword with you?' he chuckled and took the hood of her head and saw her ears. 'Halloween is over kid, you can't just go around with fake elf ears. People will think you're crazy! Hey Lukas, look what I found!' thier way, looked a boy around Ciri's age. He started walking towards them. Ciri looked at his brown fluffy hair and his sculped body- and of course he had to be shirtless. 'Who is she John?' he asked but John had no answer. He turned to Ciri and now both pairs of eyes were on her.

'What?' she confidently said but inside of her mind she was nervous as never. The boy said again 'Who are you? What is your name? Where are you from?' presure started to add up as he asked those questions and Ciri couldn't take it anymore. She felt her eyes closing and then everything went black.

When Ciri opened her eyes, she found herself in a cottage, just like hers. She heard a whisper 'They are coming' it sounded like a young girl, even younger than Ciri. 'Hello?' the elf shouted 'is anyone there?' Then, a glass fell. Ciri quickly turned around, but no one was there. Cling! Another glass fell! Her cabinets opened and plates started falling. Ciri tried to catch some of them, which caused her getting a cut. 'Ow!' she screamed as blood started driping from her palm. She stepped on a piece of a plate - bare feet - and got cut. She fell on the ground 'Help me! Help me, please someone!' she closed her eyes from pain and tried to calm down. She felt a soft breeze and opened her eyes. She was sitting on a dead field of roses. Ciri heard horses, running her way but not any kind - black horses. With people riding them! The scared elf quickly got up, wanting to escape. She ran as fast as she could, but her cuts hurt. She was running slower and slower by the second. As one man was about to catch up to her, she screamed and opened her eyes.

'Oh, look who's awake!' she heard. When Ciri looked around, she had realised, she in a house. She saw the boy, Lukas! 'Where am I? How did I get here?!' She looked at her hands, that had no cuts 'You're at John's house. The man who found you?' he smiled warmly 'and I had to carry you all the way home. I have to say' he lowered his voice 'you're quite heavy' and laughed. When Lukas saw that Ciri is not laughing with him, he stopped. 'Anyways, what is your name?' Ciri looked at him speechles. 'Are you tryna stare into my soul?' he chuckled. The elf looked at an open door. She got up like lighting and took her sword with her, running away. 'Hey, girl! Wait up!' Lukas didn't chase her and just in that second, John came into the room with soup. 'Where'd the girl go?' Lukas just shrugged and looked at the open door.

'What have I gotten myself into?' Ciri wondered while walking down the street full of people. As she was lost in her thought, she didn't see a man standing in front of her, so she bumped into him. He turned around and started scolding her, when he saw her ears. 'Are these fake?' he said and helped her up. 'Uh, I.. Y-yes, they are..' she mumbeled. 'They don't look fake to me' he pulled them and Ciri screamed. 'Did that hurt you?' he grabbed her wrist dragged her somewhere not so full of people. 'You can be great for my new expedition. Oh, how many will want to see you.. elf girl. Follow me. You'll be safe.' Ciri hessitated and then ran away. 'I will get you one day! Remember that!' the man screamed behind her, as he watched her run away.

Ciri ran and ran till she reached the coast. 'Why couldn't I just stay home? Who cares if there are other elves, who cares if there are any other people that understand me! I just wanna go home.. But which way do I have to go?' she got stuck looking back and forth, deciding which way should she go. She sat on the ground and covered her face and shortly after, fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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