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   Bimbo was a happy and skilled child who loved the idea of having his own circus when he was older . He often begged his parents to bring him to the circus in town . The boy had a normal life until he went to college .  Bimbo was a bright kid towards science and math , however , his love for the circus brought him down . Children everywhere whispered rumors about him in the hallways .  It was most likely that everything would stay the same , until Jackey Williams took interest in the school's boxing bag . She started hanging out with him , both becoming great friends . Bimbo got to meet Jennifer , Jackey's younger sister , and then often came to her house for school projects or just talk about stuff , like friends .

   Jackey and Bimbo had managed to save enough money by the time they turned 15 , so they started they're own circus , named  "Bimbo's Circus" . Both the teenagers worked hard after school to maintain the business going , soon they employed Jennifer as a birthday clown for the kids and brought a dog into the small family. Everything was going well until Bimbo became too obsessed with his science lab . He started spending more and more time there , leaving Jackey and Jennifer all on they're own to run the Circus .

   After months and months of being hidden behind the big iron doors , Bimbo finally left his lab , holding a glass with a green liquid . He urged Jennifer , Spot and Jackey to drink , assuring them that it was nothing toxic and that it was just a simple juice made for them only . One night , however , Jackey found out the true purpose of the "magic juice" , as the boy named it . It was meant to get the crew's energy higher , so that they can preform better .

   Jackey was mad to say the least , she confronted Bimbo about it and they started fighting .  On accident , the boy broke multiple glasses containing the liquid . It fell on the ground , quickly starting to eat at the floor and walls of the room . A toxic gas filled the Circus , quickly killing not only Jackey and Bimbo , but also Jennifer and Spot . 

   Word got out that the crew committed suicide together , so they didn't push it any further . Authorities closed down the place , forbidding anyone to come near it due to the radiations . Over time , people started referring to it as "Bimbo's Crying Circus" , as weird screams were heard once a month . The screams echoed throughout the whole town , and people decided that the place was haunted . Years later , two detectives decided to investigate the circus in order to find out what truly happened behind the curtains of the Circus they loved as kids . 

  Will Harriet Black and Jane Bone be able to find out the truth , or will they be buried along with what they find there ?

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