Uninvited Guests

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Jenny scrambled around the performance room , trying to find Spot . The ghost dog got scared by Jackey's and Bimbo's fight earlier in the science lab . Once again they didn't get along and they're screams were heard through the whole town , and it was only going to bring more dumb teenagers in the arena , looking for god knows what type of evidence that ghosts are real . Dumbasses , in her opinion . She stopped flying as an angry Jackey stumbled in the room .

' ' Fucking Bimbo ! I hate his guts and dumb fascination for science ! ' ' she screamed , hitting one of the pallets across the floor .

Jennifer sighed , landing on the floor cross legged . Her sister always threw a tantrum whenever she had an argument with Bimbo and it was already tiring . Spot came out of hiding , paddling over to the young clown , happily licking her hands .

' ' Stop getting so worked up over that fool ' 'she started' ' All he knows is hide in his lab for hours , trying to find a way to be alive again , which clearly won't work , and we both know that! ' '

Jackey sighed , sitting next to her sister . The silence was deafening , but at least the citizens in town could sleep again , hopefully . They would have to wait until the morning to see if any teenagers would come this time , or if the rumors will just appear again .


Harriet Black , a well known detective for her skills and solved cases . However , one case in particular has been bugging her since forever . The Bimbo case . No one wanted to pay attention to the actual death of those kids and theire dog . The business was doing great , and they had the whole town basically begging to know when the next show would be , something just didn't add up at all . Why would they suddenly commit suicide ?

Those questions bothered Harriet every night , not ever giving her peace . When she finally heard the screams again , she decided it was time to take action . She left her house at sunrise for work , this time she wouldn't back down easily , no . She would fight until her last breath for the warrant . Maybe if she found out the truth these voices in her head would stop , and the spirits there would finally be at ease that the world found out what actually happened to them .

One thing she noticed , the yells were never the same . Sometimes they were of distress , sometimes of anger , and sometimes just happy screams . This was crucial to her investigation . She sat at her desk , doing a quick google search on ''Bimbo's Crying Circus'' . Every article was the same . '' Three teenagers commit suicide '' ; '' Famous Bimbo Jackson kills his co-workers '' ; '' Bimbo's Circus has been shut down , everything you need to know '' ; and a bunch of other dumb people posting they're opinions on the internet , unaware of the consequences of they're actions .

Jane sat down next to Harriet . Jane Bone was also a great detective , known for catching great evidence of the paranormal in her investigations . She gave a curious look to Harriet's computer screen , shaking her head in shame .

' ' Will you ever understand that it's nothing more than just suicide ? ' ' she disapprovingly questioned

Harried glared at her , pointing at one black and white image of the now destroyed circus . She had an angry yet determined look on her face as she spoke , turning to face her friend .

' ' Something is going on there and i know it , i will never stop until i get answers ' '

Jane sighed , slumping against the back of the chair . She shrugged , pointing at Kyle , one of the oldest detectives there .

' ' Kyle has been trying to solve the mystery for years now , he went crazy looking for clues there every single night . You don't want that happening to you , do ya ? ' '

Harriet grumbled , taking a sudden liking to Jane's position . She rolled her eyes , shooing Kyle away .

' ' We both know Kyle went crazy because of old age , not some damn ghosts , now if you would be nice , please leave . I will get that warrant and you can't stop me ' '

The black-haired detective turned back to her computer , most likely looking for more clues . Jane gave up and left , giving a look at Harriet . She no longer recognized her childhood best friend , but maybe she would get back to normal once she finally got to investigate that doomed place at least a few times . For now , all that was left to do was let Harriet do it her way .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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