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Arabella stood at her seat with her carry-on bag strapped tightly to her shoulders, staring out the airplane window with mixed emotions. While she was relieved to finally be headed towards her brother, she couldn't help feeling anxious about what he might say or how he would react to her situation. After all, it had been years since they'd seen each other.
As the plane lifted off the ground and banked into the sky, her heart pounded harder than ever before. She wondered if she'd made the right choice in returning home.

Arabella felt both relieved and anxious as the plane descended to the ground. The thought of finally being home was comforting, but the trauma she had experienced still weighed heavily on her mind. She couldn't shake the feeling that somehow returning here was a mistake. Even so, she knew she had nowhere else to go.
The cab driver seemed to notice her unease, but he remained quiet, probably sensing that it was not the right time to engage in conversation. The drive was spent in silence, the only sound being the tires rolling along the paved road

Arabella's mind was racing as the car driving towards her brother's house. The car passed by familiar sites, reminding her of the life she had left behind. The tension grew as they turned down the street leading to the house.
The house was a modern two-story residence in the middle of a busy Los Angeles neighborhood. The exterior walls were covered in stucco with crisp white paint accents. The windows throughout were large and picture-framed, giving the home an open and welcoming appearance.Despite the warm weather outside, a chill went through her spine as she approached the front door.

Arabella stood in front of the front door to her brother's house, feeling nervous and anxious at the same time. She was relieved to finally be home after everything that had happened, but everything felt so strange.

Arabella knocked on the front door and waited for a few moments, but no one came to open the door for her. A sense of confusion and unease washed over her as she wondered if she had knocked on the wrong door or if she had gotten the wrong address. She was about to turn around and leave when she heard footsteps approaching the door. She didn't even dare to guess who it could be, but suddenly the door swung open. 

She saw a familiar face before her, but she just couldn't place it. Sam's friend Colby was staring at her with a smile on his face. She was so caught off guard that she couldn't even recognize him. Arabella looked over her shoulder, still thinking this wasn't her brother's house, but suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder and Sam called out her name.

Sam's warm smile seemed so welcoming as he wrapped his hand around her shoulder, and without a second thought she allowed herself to be guided in. Arabella felt the warm air touch her body and she couldn't help but feel nervous and anxious. Sam led her through the entrance to the living room and sat her down on the couch. He was smiling at her, but she couldn't share his enthusiasm.

Arabella was escorted by her brother, Sam, and his best friend, Colby, to their home. The boys were both eager to engage with her and get to know her better as she has grown up, but their efforts were met with a wall of silence. As Sam tried to break the silence, he found that Arabella was unresponsive, giving one word answers and seeming detached. Colby then attempted to engage her in conversation about their hometown, but she remained aloof and un engaged, offering only minimal detail in response.

Sam showed Arabella around his home. The house had a spacious living room with a large flat-screen T.V set in the corner and comfy couches positioned around the space. On the upper level, the living room converted into a kitchen with marble countertops and stainless-steel appliances. From the kitchen, Sam also gave Arabella a tour of the bedrooms. The second floor had four bedrooms and attached bathrooms.

Arabella felt overwhelmed by the tour of the house and the introduction to Sam's best friend. She wasn't exactly sure what to say or how to act during this awkward moment. Once they finished showing her around, Sam suggested that she unpack her bags in her own room. She was grateful for this and headed up to her new space. She was glad to be home, but she wasn't entirely comfortable with her new living situation yet.

Arabella was alone in her room and felt unsure about unpacking her bags. It seemed pointless to create a place for herself in this temporary room when she had no plans to stay long. She felt a sense of disquiet about being in this strange house, surrounded by strangers. For a moment, she wondered if she had made the right decision coming back here instead of staying with a friend in her actual neighbourhood where she chose to live 

Arabella couldn't stand being in her new bedroom any longer. She stood in the doorway and looked out at the grand hall of the house. The walls were covered in luxurious curtains and the furniture was elegant and well-designed. It felt like a palace in comparison to her old house in Texas. She couldn't believe that she was supposed to be making this her home, but there was no other choice. She felt so out of place, especially in the massive bedroom.

Arabella couldn't stop thinking about her old house in Texas, where she had spent her formative years from the age of 19 until 25. The house was a part of her, and she couldn't imagine leaving that part of her life behind. She missed the familiar walls, the bedrooms designed to her taste, the furniture and decorations. She missed her home, and she felt unsettled in this new place.

Arabella didn't want to look at the large bedroom for much longer, so she went back into her room. She walked over to her bed and sat down with her laptop. Her hands immediately flew to the keyboard, and she started to type into the search bar: "For sale, Texas." After a moment, the list of available houses popped up on her screen. She scrolled through them, not knowing what she was looking for but hoping that she would recognize something familiar.

authors note

did I use a bit of help form yes I did 

was it extremely difficult and annoying? yes it was 

would I do it again? yes I would 

anyway I love the progress of this chapter and now I can get help when I need it 

lyl willow 

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