Chapter 1

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My tent, engulfed in flames, I had just managed to escape, my arm burnt.. "fuck.." I groaned out, ripping some cloth off my undershirt and wrapping it around the burn to make a temporary bandage, my chest rising and falling quickly as I breath heavily, my fellow soldier's running out of their burning tents, it looked like hell, literally, fire everywhere you looked around our camp. "AGH! HELP!'" An anonymous person yelled out, I turned my head to the shout, it recognised that voice, I sprinted towards the yell, gripping my sword, the blue gems glowing along with my eyes, increasing my strength, honorary knights such as myself are given special gems for their swords which gives them powers, such as increased strength for me, or increased speed

I stare into the wasteland, no one alive in sight. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder, then my back, I yell out and my knees give way and I fall onto the bloodied dirt, then falling forward onto my hands, I had been shot in the shoulder and the back, in my rush to save my fellow knight I forgot my armour, stupidly, an arrow sticking out my back and a metal casing shooting through my shoulder, I have no clue what it is, I've never seen anything like it, it must be something made by the Zolton kingdom, but I'm in far too much pain to fully care, blood begins dripping down my left arm, pouring from the hole made from the metal casing, as well as my back, the arrow still sticking out, my strength depleting quick, unable to do anything about it, they must have added something to the tip of the arrow, I stare upward when I hear footsteps approaching me, I stare at the man ahead of me. It was him. My life flashed before my eyes. I knew I was going to die. No one survived him. That brutal man. His name was Azrael. Azrael, King of Zolton. Blood staining his face and black armour, a red cape flowing behind him with the wind, his red eyes matching, almost glowing, fear trapped on my face.

He crouched down and gripped my shirt with a firm hand, pulling me up so we can look eye to eye, I fought and choke a bit as this happens, not wanting to look into his eyes, his annoyingly smug face staring at me, but something about him made my heart beat faster and my breath get caught in my throat, I stare into his narrow, dead-like eyes, but the longer I stare the more I can see his aura surrounding him, a red flame-like aura, I froze, that only could mean one thing. I start to cough up blood and my eyes flutter closed, but before my eyes fully close I can see his face, sadness and shock fill his eyes, the rest of his face may not show it but his eyes speak loud enough, my body relaxing and my ears ringing, this is it.. everything turns to nothingness...

3 years go, in the Eldham castle, the day of Quentin's knighting...

I adjust my shoulder plates, rubbing off every slight imperfection in my armour, I stare into the mirror, taking a deep breath, fixing the loose strands of my hair, I've never been to nervous about my appearance but I'm going to be knighted in front of so many people, nobles, fellow knights, fellow honorary knights, I place my sword into the holster on my belt, taking one last deep breath in them out, shaking off every ounce of fear and nervousness before I then leave the armoury, heading towards the thrown room, my armour clanking and my footsteps echoing through the empty hallways, I enter the thrown room, all eyes on me, I walk towards Queen Sylvie who is sat on her gold and purple thrown, the late king Maverick's crown placed on a royal blue pillow, upon his gold and royal blue thrown.

Sadness flashes in my eyes when I see his crown placed there, even if he wasn't truly here he still gets to see me get knighted, like he always wanted, I kneel in front of Queen Sylvie, bowing my head. Queen Sylvie stands up from her thrown, looking down at me with her signature soft smile, she is handed the royal knighting sword, she takes a deep breath in and places the sword blade on my right shoulder, opening her mouth and speaking, "I do hereby knight thee into the Honorable Order of our God Aether" she then placed the sword balde on my left shoulder "Diamond Order." She then placed the sword blade on my head "Arise knight and captain and be recognised." She takes the sword away and hands it back to the swordsman. I stand up, looking Queen Sylvie in the eyes, she places her hand on my shoulder, looking me in my eyes. "I'm so proud of you my child.." she says in her soft, caring voice, I smile widely, she may not be my biological mother but I still love her as such. She had adopted me from my family when I was a child, I don't remember much about my biological family, but I know that Queen Sylvie and King Maverick had paid my family a large sum of money in exchange for me, and my family took it since they were very poor, Queen Sylvie always made sure to answer every question I had about my biological family, except one thing, why they chose me and why not anyone else, or where I came from.

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