Chapter 4

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P. O. V. Isabella

I had arrived earlier this week from vacations and it was spectacular the sand was white, the water so clear you could see everything in it and the amount of sea life left me surprised Pearl Island is a beautiful place.

During my stay there I was able to talk to Leonardo a few times.

It let me time to think to clear my mind but he always came to mind and it was difficult to forget about him for just a few minutes. I don't know why I like this boy so much. That even sometimes I ask if I'm right in the head.

I wonder if he likes me... Agh! I don't know if I should tell him the truth that I like him, but who am I kidding that would never happen! I'm to shy to tell him that and what if he doesn't like me that would be the embarrassment of the year! No of the century! No of the whole Millennium!

I am probably exaggerating but at this moment I'm not. I don't have the capacity to support that he may break my heart to pieces.

Heck no one has the capacity to be able to support that kind of hurt not even the coldest of people can come out unhurt from that kind of pain. It may not be visible to the eyes but on the inside they are broken. As I have come to known not all scars are visible some we keep within us.

I think those are the ones that hurt the most the scars that no one can see 'cause no one can know that you are hurt that you are screaming for help.

It may seem stupid now but I have my reason why I wouldn't tell him so that's why I prefer to like him secretly. If it's a secret it's secure right?

Because if I confess to him how I feel and then he rejects me I wouldn't be capable of supporting that.

There's only so much my fragile heart can take...

But at last, I am always stuck in my thoughts, thinking about millions of stuff, the what ifs...?or what would happen... They always kill me.

It's funny how when we were kids we used to think about fairytales and how we want to find our Prince Charming. The irony that now we are so afraid to fall in love...

What changed?

We grew up. Shit happened we changed we aren't the same, stuff happened it erased our happy thoughts, our innocence was tainted we were brought into the real world.

Now are you so happy that you grew up? This is the life you so desperately wanted when you were little. Do you still wish to grow up? Well look around it's too late isn't it.

I always think that all of us have a reason we are how we are, now.

That's just life and I can't complain.


It was already 7:30 a.m. and if we didn't leave now we were gonna be late to school.

"Xavier Matthew Rodrigues Muñiz! Hurry up and get in the car this instant! Screamed my mother from the car.

"I'm coming!" He responded.

"Isabella get down and close the gate." She told me with a tired face.

"I'm going" I told her I got of the car, closed the gate, hopped in and we were off.

*10 minutes later*

I got off the car and I heard Mom saying goodbye to Xavier.

"Take the boy to his classroom" She told me as she walked towards the car.

"Okey bye" I told her, she got in and left.

In that moment the bell rang I looked at Xavier.

"Xavier I'm not going to be able to take you to class so go alone"

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