No way out

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  Dead silence. Portraits with observant eyes leer from the walls, mocking. Candlelight dances, casting ominous shadows against the wall. Doors lacking handles deny entry or escape, taunting anyone who dares to dream of a slim chance of survival.

  The heavy, moldy air, laced with stale cigarette stench, rises from the deep red carpet, assaulting Sophia's nostrils. Amidst the thick brew of decay, a hint of perfume lingers. Sophia wonders what happened to the wearer as she sprints down the labyrinthine hallways. Her heart hammers against her chest, each thump a constant reminder that any misstep or slowdown could be fatal.

  There's no way out...

  Feeling like a guinea pig imprisoned in an intricate maze. Sophia runs aimlessly, her defiance refusing to succumb to the inevitable fate. Eventually, she's out of breath. Her stomach begins to growl, and she feels her throat parched with thirst.

  Forward, backward, left, or right – the choice seems irrelevant. No matter the direction, she finds herself back to where she started. The portraits' silent leering evolves into mocking her with infectious laughter. With her eyes getting heavier, Sophia can feel she's at her limit. As if she is walking in molasses, Sophia's body begins to rebel against her will to continue. Her mind grows foggy as she inhales more musty air. Sophia doesn't know how much longer she can go.

  Just as she is about to give up, Sophia notices an imposing double door at the hallway's end, guarding her only way out. Mustering the remaining stamina, Sophia stumbles toward it. A fleeting moment of relief washes over her when she yanks the doors open; however, Sophia finds her hope shattered as she steps into an unfamiliar kitchen.

  There's no escape...

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