Chapter Fifteen

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Two Days Later

"Wei Wuxian!"

Wei Ying looks up frowning.

"What's wrong?"

Wei Wuxian stares at the Jiang siblings as they look at him worried. Yanli sighs and sits beside him.


"Xianxian... is there something wrong? We've noticed you have been spacing out a lot. You know you can tell us everything and anything right?"

Wei Ying smiles and nods reassuring her.

"Shijie could you get me something to eat? Xianxian is starving."

Yanli laughs and squeezes Wei Ying's right cheek. "I know you're starving after all three-year-old Xianxian gets very hungry, very quickly."

Yanli leaves and Wei Wuxain's expression becomes a bit serious.

"Come on. Out with it. What's that genius mind of yours thinking this time." Jiang Cheng sighs.

"I- I don't know... Ever since I got the Yin Iron-"


"Yah! Why don't you yell even louder?! Let the whole world know!!"

Jiang Cheng shuts his mouth close and looks the other way while mumbling something.

"Yes I have the Yin Iron... but ever since I got it I've been getting warnings about being careful and how something worse than before might happen."

Silence takes over them as none of them speak. Wei Wuxian didn't want to believe that something bad would happen but the voices were too loud and convincing to be ignored. Wei Wuxian looks at Jiang Cheng, who is staring back at him.

"Any idea what it could be that's possibly going to be worse than before?" Jiang Cheng questions.

However to his dismay Wei Ying just shakes his head no, equally disappointed. Both knew if they knew what they needed to be aware of, they could easily try and avoid it. Or if it were something unavoidable, they could do something that would lessen the damage.

Jiang Cheng's POV

I watch as A-Ying sighs loudly. With no clue to what we are suppose to be aware of is quite annoying. However, I know he would work out in time what danger is waiting for us. Right now making sure to avoid all Major deaths is top pirioty.


The Next Day.

I wake up to the sound of people shouting and yelling. The smell of delicious food and lotus flowers. And of course Wei Wuxian screaming to father how he's back, even though we still need to reach the dock.

Once I fix myself, the heating sun light hits me warming my body.

"Jiang Shushu! Jiang Shushu!"

I sigh and hit him at the back of his head.

"He can see and hear you idiot no need to shout."

"Hehe! I'm just glad to be back!"

"Oh... so you didn't like being near your pervy husband?" I smirk.

He gasps and then covers my mouth.

"My dearest Shidi you can't just say that... no-one knows that Lan Zhan and I are married."

I role my eyes.


"Also, one he's not pervy he affectionate and two I love being around Lan Zhan... it's just I missed Uncle Jiang so much."

I smile at him as he turns to get off the boat.

After getting off I'm greeted by my father who pats my shoulder.

"You look happy. I'm guessing your stay in Gusu went well." He says.

"Oh yes! It was way better than we expected!" Wei Wuxian says grinning.

"Yanli, my daughter how did you find it there?"

JieJie smiles. "It was really good father. I learnt many things."

"I'm glad-"

"Where's mother?" I question but get no reply.

Instead he just smiles and goes.

"Madam Yu is probably just busy Jiang Cheng." Wei Wuxian says.

I just hum and follow father. It can't be that she's so busy that she doesn't have time to see her children after we were away for whole year. When we arrive at home, everything is how it use to be. I actually missed the old Lotus Pier. Even though we rebuilt it after tthe Wens burnt it down. Nothing can beat the original design of my home.

"Senior Wei!"

"Shizui! Jingyi!" WEi Wuxian yells and turns to whoever called him.

Though he his experssion changes and the ones who called him are also confused.



"Who are they Senior Wei?" The young disiple questions.

They were the new disicples who had started their training I'm guessing because I haven't seen them before.

"Ah no one... how can I help you two."

Both of them stand straight.

"I'm Lin Wei."

"And my name is Chen Zui"

"We heard from the others who trained under you how cool you were!" Lin Wei says excitedly.

"Yeah and we want to be as cool as you!" Chen Zui joins.

Wei Wuxian laughs and pats their heads.

"I'll gladly teach you guys. but right now your Senior is really tired from the long journey."

"I told you we should have come tommorw" Cheng Zui scolds Lin Wei who scoffs.

"You? I was the one who said that!"

"Okay then I'm off!"

And we are off just like A-Ying said.

We enter the Hall of Swords are taking a bit of rest. It was dinner time now so we all gathered together. As soon as we entered all eyes went on us.

"Madam Yu."


We both bow paying respect to her and then do the same to father. As we are about to sit down at our places my mother finally speaks. However I wish she hadn't because what she says leaves Wei Wuxian frozen.

"Had fun with the Second Jade of Gusu?"

Hi Guys!

I'm really sorry for the VERY late update even though I said I'll update soon.

But I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

stay safe and comment your thoughts.

Check out my other book Cottage too. I'm sure you'll love it too.

And thank you!

Untill next time~

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