Travel Buddies Or More?

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A long while after the John and Delta drama, Junie and John became best friends. Travel Buddies, as people would say.

It was one morning in Rhonda, and John and Junie have settled into their usual morning routine while they are traveling together, they have been traveling together for several days now. The morning is pleasant and calm, and they are eating a quiet breakfast together, enjoying the serene atmosphere. John is reading and Junie is doodling in a sketchbook.

John sighs and turns to her, saying,

"You know, it's kinda nice to just... take some time for ourselves. No adventures, no troubles, just a quiet moment. It feels peaceful."

Junie replies,

"Mhm, I guess we've done enough adventure already, this feels nice. But what about your troubles with Delta Dawn? I heard that you guys used to be dating, but she cheated on you and broke your heart... What's up with that?"

John sighs and nods, a pain in his heart,

"Yeah, that's true... I still can't get her out of my mind, no matter how long it's been. She cheated on me, broke my heart... but she told me she was sorry and it was a mistake, and she had only ever loved me. But I can't trust her to not do it again... I don't want my heart to be hurt again, ya know?"

Junie replies, a bit pitiful,

"I understand. I've had the same kind of thing happen. Hurts, you know?"

John nods, understanding her pain too. 

"Yeah, it really does hurt. But the worst part is the trust, it's hard to trust that it won't happen again and even harder to forgive. So what did you do when you were in a similar situation? What happened with that other person?"

Junie sighs.

"I don't wanna talk about it, but long story short, he played a lot of women."

John nods, understanding that it might be a sensitive and painful subject for her. He doesn't press for more details, instead he says,

"I'm so sorry that happened to you. You deserve better..."

Junie sips on her tea.

"You too."

John sighs, taking another sip of his coffee. 

"Yeah, I guess we both do... But who knows when we will find it? Do you realize how rare and special it is, to find someone who is honest and genuine? That's what makes heartbreak so painful, finding someone like that is so rare, so when it doesn't work out, it feels like the last chance at love..."

Junie nods.

"Makes sense. But sometimes you just have to be a solo person, right?"

John nods back, acknowledging her point.

"Well, I guess so. But it feels good to have someone special to lean on though... to be able to share your life with, someone you care about who cares about you. Having a relationship like that, it's just so fulfilling when it's right..."

Junie thinks for a minute.

"You have me, right? Yeah, we aren't dating, but still."

John smiles a bit when she says that, he's relieved to know that despite them not being in a relationship, she is still there for him. He replies back.

"Yeah, you're right. I guess I do have you and you have me, even if it's not the same as having a romantic relationship. But it still means a lot to me that you're there for me, and I'm glad you're my friend."

Junie replies.

"Me too. You're a really great person, you know that?"

John looks a bit surprised and his face flushes slightly when she says that. He replies,

"Um... well I... thank you, that means a lot to hear. I think you're a great person too, so I'm grateful that we're friends. But... do you really think I'm that great?"

Junie says,

"Of course I do, who wouldn't?"

John replies, his eyes brightening up and a warm smile on his face.

"Wow, well you've made me feel way better about myself, thank you. I was pretty worried that I was being annoying or getting on your nerves... so for you to say that, it means so much to me."

Junie smiles.

"No prob."

John smiles back at her, relieved and happy. After a couple more minutes of sipping from their tea and reading their books..

John decides to ask a question and get the conversation going again.

"So, Junie, I never really asked you this before, but... do you ever think about getting into a relationship again? Do you have any romantic interests right now at the moment?"

Junie thinks about the question for a moment.

"Maybe I will. I have one interest though."

John looks at her with an expression of curiosity and interest on his face.

"Oh... really? Well, who's this person that you're interested in?"

Junies replies to him quickly.

"I'm talking to him, aren't I?"

To be continued...

- Will John like Junie back?
- Is their relationship going to upgrade to the next level?
- Will this change everything in their relationship as best friends?

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