Part 7

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I can't fall asleep. The thing that he whispered earlier won't leave my train of thoughts. The fuck does he mean mission, halfway there? Now I need to know what he does. I pulled my laptop out of it's case, turning my lamp light on and putting in the password.

This man is getting suspicious. I do not like it one bit. I entered my website for finding people and what they do. "Jackson Avery... What do you do..." I muttered to myself. I entered his name and now we just wait. 

After a few minutes, my report was ready. I clicked the open button and definitely was not expecting what I saw. 

"Jackson Avery, 38 years old, works for the FBI."

You dirty cunt. But that's not the biggest problem, the biggest problem is to find out who ratted me out. No whoever it was, I hope they run, Run far, far away. But as of right now, I need to take care of this FBI up my ass. 


My alarm rung at 6, waking me up. I got up and went to the bathroom, doing my hair, makeup, and teeth. Now I know people say dressing for revenge never works but today, I'll make it work. I put on a black, v-neck and tight leggings. Not so much for dressing for revenge but, it's close. 


I arrived at work, taking a seat as Jackson was already there. A few minutes later, he scooted his chair closer to me, me looking over to him. I looked at him, confused. "I'm not wired. I already know you know. But if we run away together, I'll help you. I really like you, Bella" He told me.

He knows and I know. He wouldn't have said that if he were wired right now. I grabbed his hand, leading us both out of our chairs and running out of the office, getting in his car and he started driving away. 


I woke up from my nap, us still on the road. I looked at the GPS, seeing 10 minutes left. As of right now, we're in Virginia and I'm guessing, we're staying in Virginia. We arrived 10 minutes later at a hotel, in Virginia. 


I woke up to loud banging on the door. "FBI open up" was all I heard. I quickly shook Jackson up, him worried. He went to the door, opening it. "Keep your hands up" They said, Jackson keeping his hands up in the air, me doing the opposite.

I kept my hands at my side, hearing their gun cock. I quickly stepped in front of Jackson, getting shot and falling to the floor. Jackson kneeled on the floor, holding my head in his lap, bawling.

"Hands behind your back" The officer said, Jackson obeying. He was put in cuffs and into the back on the cruiser while I was rushed to the hospital. 

I died on the way to the hospital, in the ambulance. Jackson got shot for disobeying and died as well. 

My first love, will be my forever love. 

I love you, Jackson Avery.

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