Chapter Thirty Two: Inside II

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Gale Detective Agency

"Absolutely not."

  The proposition that Kokori made and was explained by Rośe was completely shot down. "What? But isn't this basically helping us!?" Rośe argued back, confused why the other detectives didn't even think twice before saying no. "I mean, we basically have someone who can bring Ryo to us!" Rośe said, explaining once more, pleading out to have this proposition work. "That and it also endangers the people of the detective agency. That's not even considering how she could possibly be working together with him." One of the male detectives said, pointing a finger at Kokori. She had an annoyed expression on her face when he did this. She wanted to absolutely thrash that detective in particular, but she held back in case negotiation did continue to go on so as to not ruin their chances. But then again, Rośe did already say there was a 46% chance of her proposition not coming into fruition.

  Rośe felt like giving up already after a long explanation and tiring negotiation. But she didn't want it to end right here, because right now, this was basically her one and only chance to find a way to find both Ryo, and her brother if the two were still working together somehow; which was highly unlikely considering Ryo stopped associating with X-Factor. "This all sounds very interesting." Akiko's voice came from out of nowhere, she was at the door of the room alongside Nelivia who was with her for some reason when she should be at home since today wasn't even her day to be working. "What's this negotiation about?" Akiko asked as she entered the room, wearing a fully serious expression on her face. The current split between the detectives was a hassle and something Akiko did not want to deal with if they continued to disagree with each other and end up creating splits. "Apparently, Nelivia's student wants to bring an assassin into our care." One of the detectives explained to Akiko, a somewhat questionable, or perhaps a curious look on her face. "And why is that, Petiot?" Akiko asked Rośe as she put her on the spot, crossing her arms and giving a "Well?" expression on her face.

  "My reason, well, more of Kokori's is that Ryo and his group are after her and keeping her here will help keep her safe... And because Kokori would be under our surveillance, there is a chance that we can catch people who are working with Ryo or even Ryo himself." Rośe gave her short explanation to the boss, holding her breath as she saw the older woman think to herself. Her eyes squinted slightly, her aura of authority was definitely still there. She hummed to herself as she thought about what Rośe said and, it seemed like she was considering it. "Alright, it seems like a good plan." This came as a shock to the detectives in the room. Rośe felt relieved that there was one more person that was willing to work with this plan, while Kokori had a smirk on her face, feeling triumphant. "And because of that, Nelivia, you are to keep watch of both your student and the White Vampire." Akiko added on as she looked down towards Nelivia, this was sudden news to the woman since she didn't expect to be given something like this. "However, that is all you need to do. The detective work can be done by Petiot." Akiko said to Nelivia as she looked away and back towards where Rośe and Kokori were standing. "Understood." The expression of surprise was replaced by a smile as she looked at her student, and as her student looked back, she smiled as well.


  Nelivia, Kokori, and Rośe were now the only ones left in the room. The three sat around the table, a silence between the three. Rośe looked up at Nelivia, opening her mouth as she was about to say something, but was immediately read by her mentor. "I would still have given a chance at trying your theory." Nelivia said, causing Rośe to close her mouth. Kokori let out a sharp exhale as she crossed her arms, now knowing that her former caretaker would still side with her.

  "So... when your theory to the other detectives, you said Ren was already taken?" Nelivia asked for confirmation as she looked at Kokori. "Yep." "When did you find out?" "About some time ago when I was scrolling through my phone." Kokori said, knowing the way she got the news. "And... who did you find out from?" Nelivia asked, just wanting to know one last detail. "It was a former assassin who, like me and Ren, had no association with any group. They mainly worked as a check in for Ren to make sure he didn't go insane." Kokori explained as short as she possibly could. Nelivia simply nodded her head at the artificial black haired teen.

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