Chapter 4: The Pain of Goodbye

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Then, one fateful day, the girl vanished without a trace, leaving Ethan with nothing but memories and a heart heavy with sorrow. He searched high and low, combing every corner of Willowbrook in search of any clue to her whereabouts.

Days turned into weeks, and still, there was no sign of the girl Ethan had come to love with every fiber of his being. He wandered the streets aimlessly, his heartache a constant companion in the lonely hours of the night.

As the days stretched into months, Ethan came to realize the painful truth she had tried to teach him all along. Love, though beautiful and exhilarating, could also be fleeting and ephemeral. It had the power to lift you up to dizzying heights, only to send you crashing down to earth with a resounding thud.

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