The Lost Trolls

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Poppy: Sparkle Belle not so fast. Please Sparkle Belle. We can't keep up with you!

Then Sparkle Belle went into Branch Pan's hideout

The Lost Trolls, Branch Pan's brothers and sisters, were sleeping

Sparkle Belle tried to wake them up

Blossom pushed her away with her hand

Then Clay put his pillow on her so he can sleep

Then Sparkle Belle pushed a club off a shelf and it hit Bruce on the head

Bruce: Ouch!

Then the club landed in John Dory's arms

Bruce looked at John Dory and saw the club in his arm

Bruce: So?

Then he he kicked John Dory which not only woke John Dory up, but Jade Dory, Floyd and Flora up as well

Floyd: Hey!

Flora: Who you shoving?!

John Dory: You that's who

Jade Dory: Why I show you

Then the 4 of them got into a fight and Clara, Clay, Blossom, Sandy, and Bruce joined in the fight

Sparkle Belle tried to break up the fight and get their attention by pulling Bruce's hair

Sparkle Belle: (jingles)

Bruce: Huh? Orders from Branch? Hold it guys!

Then they stopped

Clay: What's the orders Spark?

Sparkle Belle: (jingles)

John Dory: A terrible what?

Bruce: Poppy Bird

Jade Dory: Poppy Bird?

Sandy: Flying this way?

John Dory: Branch's orders are to what?

Jade Dory and John Dory: Smash it?

Bruce and Sandy: Kick it?

Floyd and Flora: Stomp it?

Sparkle Belle: (jingles)

Bruce: Oh shoot it down

Clay: Come on follow Spark

Then they got out of the hideout and followed Sparkle Belle

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