Dresses and heartfelt convos

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Charlie sat on the ground beside the couch where Conrad was lying on his back

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Charlie sat on the ground beside the couch where Conrad was lying on his back. He groaned and turned his head looking at the drawing she was making.
"You're so good at that" He mumbled.
She looked up and smiled "Thanks, Connie"

"Do we really have to physically sit for our portraits?" Jeremiah asked
"Can't she just, like, look at a picture on her phone or something?" Steven agreed looking over his shoulder

"Okay, get out!" Jeremiah said annoyed
He laughed "What? Why?"

"She needs to see you in the flesh in order to capture your essence. While you're still young
and full of hope." The two boys and Charlie looked at her weirded out and laughed "Her words!" She defended
"Well, Conrad does not have hope, actually" Charlie teased him

"He's hopeless, but my hangover smoothie... it cures all" Jeremiah chuckled.
"Can you please just hurry up?" Conrad groaned

"Just go back to bed, all right?" Jeremiah said and glared at Steven "All right, seriously, Steven, get out."
"Oh, come on" He laughed

"This is a delicate science, and your heavy breathing is gonna break the yolk!"
"Okay. Okay, okay" Steven laughed and walked away,

"She hasn't painted you since you were little. I think it'd be nice to have these portraits for when you're older." Laurel said
"Old. No" Steven shook his head "When I'm older, I'm sure there'll be, like, like, holograms or something I can watch of myself, you know?"

Conrad winced in pain when the blender started whirring causing Charlie to giggle.

"Just sit for your portraits" Laurel sighed. "I don't see Conrad complaining!"
"He'll complain when he's conscious" Jeremiah laughed and walked over to him "Hey. Here." He handed him the glass

"Thank you" He mumbled and took a sip of it "Oh, fuck! This is disgusting" He gagged
"Well, that'll teach you not to get so drunk next time!" The younger girl scolded

"Come on, man. Hurry your ass up" Steven rushed Jeremiah "All right? I can't be late for my first day of work."
"We won't. We're good."

"Come on, man! Ooh! Those old country club boomers are gonna tip me so hard, man, they won't know what hit 'em!"
"Ew" Charlie said disgusted when Steven thrusted his groin area forward

"Oh!" Jeremiah laughed
"Steven, I swear." Laurel sighed in disbelief

"Come on, Laurel. My boy's got to get that bread." Jeremiah laughed

"Thank you" He laughed with him,
"Good morning." Belly came in

"Belly, where have you been?" Laurel asked "Is that a bruise?"
Charlie's eyes widened and she turned towards Conrad angrily "Why does she have a bruise?" She whisper-yelled

"She uh...got elbowed in the face yesterday when she got in between me and another guy fighting. You know, while you were busy making out with my brother?"
"Wha-we weren't making out! We weren't doing anything!"

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