The Start of a Story

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As the streets of New York moved with the flow of life, a girl, seemingly the age of 12, could be seen standing perfectly still in the crowd. Her long, dark hair obscured her face while she faced the ground. All the people passed her without paying heed, thinking to themselves that this lone child is with their guardian.

Unseen from the people passing, an envelope hid in her coat. The envelope had the name Yuhari Lin written with loopy handwriting. Having already opened the letter, Yuhari breathed shakily, thinking of the letter the envelope contained.

Written on the letter was curious indeed, for it was written to her in a strange manner.

Dear Yuhari Lin,

You may not know us, but we know you. We have been watching, observing from the shadows, as you navigate the complexities of your world with a courage and determination that belies your years.

We are S.H.A.D.E—a once male-only organization dedicated to protecting the multiverses from threats that lurk beyond the boundaries of ordinary perception. Our mission is to maintain the delicate balance of existence, to ensure that the forces of chaos and order remain in harmony.

You have been chosen, Yuhari, for reasons known only to us. You have shown us that maybe the ones before us were wrong about females' insignificance. Your potential, your curiosity, your untapped power—all these qualities have caught our attention, drawing us to you like moths to a flame.

We offer you an opportunity—a chance to step into a world beyond your wildest dreams, to explore the mysteries of the multiverses and uncover truths that few dare to seek. With us, you will find adventure, excitement, and the chance to make a difference in ways you never thought possible.

But make no mistake, Yuhari. The path ahead will not be easy. You will face challenges, dangers, and trials that will test your resolve to its very limits. Yet, if you choose to accept our invitation, you will find allies, mentors, and friends who will stand by your side through it all.

Consider this letter carefully, Yuhari. Trust your instincts and follow your heart. If you are ready to embark on this journey with us, simply reply to this letter, and we will guide you further.

The choice is yours, Yuhari. Will you embrace the unknown and step into the shadows with us?


Yuhari's mind raced with questions. What, who was S.H.A.D.E, and why had they chosen her? Was this some kind of prank, or perhaps a trap? And most importantly, what would happen if she accepted their invitation?

Despite her doubts and the uncertainty clouding her thoughts, Yuhari couldn't shake the feeling that this was her chance for something more; She wanted adventure, a life beyond the ordinary. Looking up to the clouds, she thought back to when she first left out into the unknown.


The sound of raised voices echoed through the cramped apartment, mingling with the clinking of empty bottles and the unmistakable scent of alcohol that hung heavy in the air. Yuhari stood in a corner, her eyes looking at the ground, her small frame trembling with fear as she listened to the heated argument between her foster parents escalate.

Soon, in a fit of rage, her foster father stood up, and faced Yuhari. The scent of alcohol intensified even more while his face twisted in rage. "You worthless brat!" Yuhari's eyes widened as she snapped her head up.

'What?' She thought to herself with despair. That despair turned into fear and panic as her foster father began to advance. With a cry of fear, Yuhari bolted from the room, tears streaming down her cheeks as she fled into the night.

As she came to a stop, tears running down her face, her breathing slowed. Lifting her head, she closed her eyes, and started walking, her feet taking her along the journey. A part of her, the helpless part, urged her to turn back and beg for forgiveness.

'No.' She scolded herself, 'This is my life, my story. I will do whatever I want.' And off she went.

Back in the present, Yuhari blinked back tears as the memories faded, replaced once more by the sights and sounds of the bustling city. Despite the pain of her past, she refused to let it define her.

As she thought that, a spark ignited within her; a flicker of curiosity and passion that burned bright amidst the shadows that surrounded her. With a founded sense of purpose and determination, she made up her mind to accept the letter, embracing the journey and risks. 'Whatever the consequences might be, I'm ready to accept them.' Yuhari nodded to herself as her posture straightened and her head faced ahead.

With the envelope in her coat, Yuhari set off through the bustling streets of New York, her heart pounding with excitement and uncertainty. As she disappeared into the throngs of people, the shadows of the city seemed to close in around her, concealing the secrets that lay just beyond her reach.

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