Chapter 5

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Honestly, when I started to talk to Laya I didn't even take into consideration the fact that I would have to tell her that I knew Leo or how I knew him. I'm kind of hesitant to tell her because a part of me wants to be naive and think that she would be fine with it or wouldn't overreact. Truthfully, I think she may be—

"Khalil, someone is calling for you in the office. They say it's important," Mr. Mckenn says, pulling me from my thoughts. "Do you know what it is?" I ask, rubbing my hands over my face. "No, but it sounds urgent." I get up and make my way to the office.

When I walked in, the lady at the desk handed me the phone. "It's your mother." I took the phone from her. "Hello, Ma, what's up? Why are you calling me out of class? Is everything okay?" There's a long pause. "Hey son, it's your Uncle Mike," I hear on the other end of the line.

"Hey Uncle Mike, wassup?" I replied. I just know something is wrong. I feel it. "Unc, come on, what's wrong, man? Tell me what's wrong." I feel my eyes stinging.

"I know this is going to be hard for you to hear but.." I feel my chest tighten. "Your mother's lupus has taken a turn for the worse; it's put her in the hospital again." I struggle to comprehend the gravity of the situation. My mother has always been my rock, my source of strength and comfort. And now, she lay in a hospital, her health in jeopardy.

The sharp pain in my chest intensified as I heard my uncle's words. It wasn't the first time my mom has been in the hospital for her lupus but it's been a struggle for me. It's only been me taking care of her since she's been diagnosed with it. I came to New York after my uncle agreed to help my mother while I focused more on myself. When I left, I felt so guilty like I was leaving her like my sister did.

"Nephew?" My eyes stung with tears, threatening to overflow any moment.

"Yea, Unc, I'm here. Should I come up there?" I say, waiting for a response. Yes, she's in critical condition. Should I come for you tonight?" I have to meet Laya tonight. I really don't want to ruin it, or maybe she'll understand. "Um...I can't make it tonight. Is tomorrow morning good?"

"That's good, actually. Your aunt will be here to stay with her tomorrow morning." I got that under control, but I need to get out of here. "Unc, maybe you could tell them to dismiss me a little early so I could get packing?" I asked, hoping that he'd agree. "Yeah, sure, put the lady on the phone."

I hand the phone to the lady and watch her talk to my uncle. "Here, take this pass and show it to the security at the door when you exit," she says, writing the pass. "Ok, thank you," I say, taking the piece of paper from her. "I hope everything goes well, love," she says, offering me a warm smile.

I hope so, too.


I finally get to my front door. As I shuffle for my keys I feel a buzz in my pocket. When I finally open the door I fling my bag to the side and take my shoes off at the door. I feel another buzz and take my phone out of my pocket. I unlock my phone to see an incoming call from Eli.

"Yo cousin, where are you ?" Shit, I forgot to text him that I left early. "Damn. I'm home. I forgot to text you, gang." I say, rubbing my hand over my face. " Home? What are you doing at home?" he asks. " Man, sum is wrong with Mom. I'll tell you when you get here."

"Ok, bet. Do you want something to eat? I'm stopping at that Wing Place down the block," he asks.

"Yeah, get the barbeque wings and fries like always," I say as I grab my duffle bag out the closet and start packing. "Okay, later," he says before hanging up.

I hang up the phone and hop in the shower. When I get out of the shower and get dressed. I hear the door open.

"Yo, Lil, didn't you hear me ringing the doorbell?" Eli yells as he closes the front door.

"Nah, I didn't," I say, putting my bags down in the living room. "I was in the shower."

"Yeah, okay. You probably was on the phone with Laya getting all lovey-dovey," he smirks, turning to face me. He eyes the bag I placed down. What's this cuz, you moving out or something?" he looks confused.

"Uhh...nah, Mom's sick. Well, you know she's been sick, but it's gotten worse, and I have no clue what to do. I just—" Before I knew it, tears were forming in my eyes. "Hey man, c'mere," he said, pulling me into a hug. "Aunty gon be fine; she always pulls through."

"Yeah, I know it's just that I came back because I thought uncle could help her and that things would get better with her health-wise. But it's like I'm doing this shit a-fucking-lone man, Trina think this shit easy, that little bit of money that she sends for ma ain't enough." I walk over to the couch sitting down.

"She don't call Ma, she don't text Ma,'s me; I'm the only one." Eli walks to the counter, picking up the food, and laying it out on the living room table. "So she doesn't reach out, especially now that it's you by yourself?" Eli asks, eating his wings.

"Nah and if she calls I honestly wouldn't answer '' I say, eating a fry.

"So Uncle Mike is gonna pick you up?" he asked, shaking his drink. "Yeah, but I promised to take Laya out tonight, so he's coming to get me in the morning," I said, checking the time.

"Oh shit, it's 5 O'clock," I say, hopping from the couch. "Yo, bro, can I borrow your car?" I say, peeking out my room door.

"Yeah, the keys are on the counter. Please make sure there's gas in the car when you bring it home," he says, pointing at me.

"Yea, yea, I will," I say, grabbing the keys. "And don't eat my wings either nigga"

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