untitled . 01

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    — NOVEMBER, 1984

(     WILL BYERS .    )

Thunder filled my ears, the sound of rapid expansion and contraction causing the lightning to rumble against the sky.

I pushed open the broken doors of the arcade slowly, greeted by a nasty smell of old sludge and wet dog.

The flickering of the sign echoed throughout the city carelessly, it combined with the sound of thunder.

Small bits of dust fell from the sky, overlapping the ground and giving more eerie energy to the area.

Outside of the arcade, it was surrounded in black goo and sludge. The pillars and walls of the outside was dirty, also covered in such black vines and dirty muck.

Slimy concrete and dirty air lacked any sign of life. Everything that was live or showed any kind of connection to oxygen was now cut. The entire town that I saw was now covered in nasty, dead vines and debris,

  the buildings looked messy and the street empty, no signs of a vehicle passing by. Dark scratches and pieces of glass littered on the ground. The place being cold. The entire area freezing, feeling colder than the fall we were already in.

I turned around and stared at the inside of the arcade through the glass doors, the inside was just as revolting as the outside. The machines being broke and blue flickering screens giving the only light to the room.

The lack of people gave me an uneasy feeling. I felt alone.

I frowned cowardly. There was nothing I could do in this moment. I was too scared. My mind starting to come up with many thoughts and I felt myself get anxious, anxiety rushing through me.

Subconsciously, I pressed down on my fingers, my - bitten - nails pressing down into my skin.

I took a deep breath and continued walking. I heard many things squish under me, making me cringe.

My eyes locked onto the sky, all I saw was red thunder above, nothing else.

But, as I got closer, I noticed a dark cloud forming in the sky, red lightning bashing next to it.

The cloud was huge, extremely big. It took the appearance of a large circle. It was collecting small pieces shadows that came from other clouds, which made it enlarge by the second.

   My breathing started to quicken, every nerve in me went off and it felt like I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move, my entire body was stiff and my lungs moved too fast for them to properly work.

      I couldn't move.

My lips quivered, my head feeling light as a feather. I was breathing to hard— hyperventilating. I felt like I was going to fall back and hit the pavement.

This feeling was familiar, I'm having a panic attack.

I knew that much, yet I wasn't able to snap out of it. Instead, I stood there and watched as the shadow in the sky grew bigger and bigger.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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