~𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑇𝑤𝑜~

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Hyunjin, leading me behind him with our hands still clasped together, had thrown open the door and exited the club with me following closely.

I squinted, the fading light outside still brighter than the club had been with all of its dimmed lights and dizzying flashes of colored spotlights. A light breeze ruffled our hair, caressing my face with a chill that acted as a harbinger for the cold to come with the nearing autumn months.

When my eyes finally adjusted and I inhaled deeply, appreciating the clean and crisp air of an August evening, I looked up at the vibrant sky and was met with one of the most gorgeous sunsets I ever had the privilege of witnessing.

Hyunjin noticed my gasp of awe and let go of my hand to shyly hold his own behind his back. Raising his head to the sky, he smiled and watched in awe-struck silence with me.

"Woah," I breathed. "I can't believe I almost missed this to be cooped up in a boring club."

The blank canvas of a cloudless sky was painted with brushstrokes of lavenders, peaches and rich golds, a tinge of magenta following the sun as it sank over the horizon, prolonging its stay as long as possible before it was forced to concede its dominion to a luminescent moon, a scattering of wish-worthy stars trailing behind it.

The entire picture was like a masterpiece of a skilled and passionate artist, and the thought flickered across my mind that Hyunjin could create something just as mesmerizing... if he himself wasn't more beautiful than anything he could ever render with a brush and paints.

My eyes wandered to sneak a glimpse at Hyunjin, standing beside me, focused on the priceless scene unfolding in front of him with an appreciative glimmer in his eyes for all that nature had to offer.

But as I stared at him, the sunset bathing his skin and reflecting in his passionate eyes, I forgot entirely about the beauty in the sky above me, wholly giving my attention to the beauty standing beside me, but not only considering his physical appeal.

The way he saw hope in everything, how he admired kindness in others but tended to favor mischief in himself, the fact that he saw promise in each opportunity and humor in every situation, despite how bleak the circumstances around him were.

Those things were what made Hyunjin beautiful to me.

"— Hana? Earth to Hana~" Hyunjin snapped in front of my face, which jolted me out of my thoughts.

"Wh-What?" I blinked at Hyunjin, who I had apparently been staring at the whole time. But he didn't notice — or he didn't mind, and decided to ignore it. Or maybe, judging from the slight smirk he tried to hide, he liked the feeling of my eyes enraptured with him.

He chuckled, titling his head as he watched me, his loose hair shifting in the wind. "I asked if you like it."

"Like what?" I asked, like a complete idiot. It felt like I was getting dumber around Hyunjin, and I wasn't sure if he was rubbing off on me, or it was because I was flustered. 

"The sunset," Hyunjin laughed. "I thought that was obvious."

"If it was that obvious, I wouldn't have asked what you were talking about," I grumbled, crossing my arms and turning away from him to watch the sun as it dipped lower, only fading hues of pink visible now as it disappeared below the city's skyline.

"Lies," Hyunjin stated, poking my arm. Then, as if it was the most normal thing to tell me, the words spilled effortlessly from his lips. "It's fine, you're cuter when you're being dumb or clumsy."

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