Chapter 3 Alessio

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Alessio awoke to the familiar sensation of a dreamscape enveloping his senses. In the ethereal realm of slumber, he found himself once again traversing the corridors of a shared dream-a dream intricately woven with the presence of a woman whose essence lingered in the recesses of his mind.

Francesca's image materialized before him, an embodiment of elegance and allure. The dream unfolded like a tapestry of shared desires and unspoken connections, leaving Alessio both captivated and intrigued. The ethereal dance between them echoed the echoes of a reality yet to unfold.

As the dream dissolved, Alessio found himself lingering in the wake of its enchantment. The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow upon his surroundings. The resonance of the dream lingered, leaving Alessio pondering the inexplicable bond that seemed to transcend the boundaries of sleep.

Driven by an irresistible pull, Alessio made a spontaneous decision-a decision that would lead him to Francesca's mother's architectural office. The connection forged in dreams beckoned him to explore the tangible threads that bound their fates together.
The morning sunlight filtered through the elegant drapes, casting a warm glow on the luxurious ambiance of Alessio's bedroom. The subtle hum of water echoed as he stepped into the pristine shower, enveloped by the soothing cascade. Amid the steam, the laughter of Francesca danced through his thoughts, an echo of shared moments in the tapestry of dreams.

Emerging from the shower, droplets glistening on his sculpted frame, Alessio crossed the expansive room to his walk-in closet—a sanctuary of sartorial elegance. The rich scent of fine leather and tailored fabric permeated the air as he surveyed his curated collection.

Alessio's fingers glided over the array of meticulously arranged shirts, suits, and accessories. His choice for the day: a refined, long button-up shirt in a shade that echoed the richness of burgundy wine. The fabric cascaded with a graceful drape, embodying both sophistication and comfort.

Complementing the shirt, he selected tailored slacks that mirrored the depth of his shirt's hue, creating a seamless ensemble that exuded a timeless charm. Alessio's discerning eye settled on a pair of cufflinks, each one a miniature work of art, adding a touch of understated luxury to his attire.

As he meticulously fastened the cufflinks, the anticipation of the day ahead mingled with the lingering echoes of Francesca's laughter in his mind. The ensemble, a manifestation of both style and intention.
Stepping into the grandeur of his living space, Alessio's polished shoes echoed against the marble floor as he descended the staircase. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee beckoned him towards the sophisticated kitchen, where he poured a cup, savoring the rich, invigorating blend.

Briefcase in hand, he made his way to the sleek garage, where a sleek black car awaited. The engine's purr resonated as he pulled onto the winding streets of Eldorano, the city's architectural marvels unfolding around him.

Arriving at the address of Francesca's mother's office, Alessio found himself standing before a building that blended modern elegance with artistic prowess. A sense of purpose guided him as he entered, his eyes catching the rhythmic play of natural light against contemporary design.

Entering the architect's studio, he greeted the receptionist with a congenial smile, his magnetic charm resonating. "Good morning. I have a landscape project in mind, and I heard Seraphina De Luca is the best in the city. I'd like to discuss my vision with her," he smoothly explained, the landscape project serving as a plausible excuse to be in her domain.

As he waited, Alessio's thoughts oscillated between the tangible world of architectural endeavors and the dreams that had forged a connection with Francesca. The rhythmic ticking of time echoed in his mind, each moment bringing him closer to the unfolding chapters that awaited in the architect's studio—an intersection of dreams, reality, and the promise of an extraordinary connection.

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